Meeting the "Villain"

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Dishita's pov

I headed towards my allotted chamber, with millions of questions swirling in my head.

All of a sudden, someone blocked my path. How dare is that person!!!

And I would like to mention, I did not bump into that person. I was lost in my thoughts, but that doesn't mean that I am not alert. Infact, I am always alert. Being alert is a part of my job.

"Mridini!!! I am very angry on you. Did you forget your Bhrata Duryodhan??? We met after so many years and I expected at least a smile from you. But you ignored me as if I am a stranger. Why?" That man spoke very quickly.

My eyes widened in realisation as I processed his words. OMG!!! Its the villain Duryodhan!!! Wait....did he just say Bhrata? Which means he thinks me as his sister? Which also means he cannot be any possible harm, as of now.

He is still looking at me, waiting for a reply......What should I say to him? After debating with myself, I finally decided on my answer.

"I am sorry, Bhrata Duryodhan." I pretended my voice to be sad. I looked down, as if I am sorry.

He suddenly smiled brightly. It seemed to be a genuine smile. Wait....villains aren't supposed to smile. They only smile when they are about to do something bad. Oh no.... my weapons are in my room. I have my combat skills, so I can defend him. I got ready for dodging an attack.

"No problem, Mridini. I can never stay angry on you. Now, I have got something for you...." He spoke while smiling ear to ear. Why is he sounding.......nice? Isn't he supposed to be rude?

He handed me a basket, which was hidden behind a big vase. The basket had a dozen of Mangoes!!!!

I love Mangoes! I can do anything for my beloved Mangoes!

Wait.....he is a villain. And he is giving me mangoes? Are they safe to eat? No....he should have poisoned them. But how will I refuse him? If he really brought them out of affection, which I doubt, he will be hurt if I refuse....

So....the solution is, get it from him and after he goes, throw it away.

I got the basket from him and muttered a thanks. He suddenly raised his hands and I got ready to dodge it. But to my surprise, he caressed my head......lovingly? Why?

I don't know why, but a smile crept to my face. I felt like his actions were real and was not an act.

"Okay Mridini, take some rest. We shall meet again tomorrow." He said with a smile and left.

I was shocked. I never expected this behaviour from the villain. I looked at the mangoes he gave me. Should I eat it?

I decided to keep it aside. I kept it on a table in my allotted chamber and sat on my bed, thinking about what happened just a few minutes ago.

My eyes became heavy and sleep overtook me in no time.


Aditya's pov

It was almost midnight. Sleep was miles away for me. But I am pretty sure that Dishi must have slept hours ago.

I wasn't able to speak with her after we came to this Hastinapur. The conversation with the Pandavas was very......weird. She seemed to getting along with them easily.

I decided to have a chat with her. But how can I go into her room? Its midnight! Surely they won't permit a man inside a woman's room at this ungodly hour. So sneaking in is the only way. Her room was right next to mine, so it is not going to be difficult.

I went out of my room carefully so that I am not spotted by the patrolling guards. Once my way was clear, I quietly sneaked into her room.

Krishna!!! Look at my situation. I am sneaking inside my sister's room like a thief!!! How drastically have our lives changed in the past 48 hrs....

As expected, she was sleeping peacefully. I quietly shook her which I regretted later.

As soon as I touched her, she pinned on the bed, with her knife, just millimetres away from throat.

"Hey....Its me." I spoke in a low voice.

"Aadhi??? What are doing here at this time?" She spoke as she released me.

"I came to speak with you. But you have plans of killing me! What did I do?" I faked hurt in my voice.

"I thought that it was someone else!" She reasoned in a serious tone.

What made her to be this conscious even during sleep?

"Is everything okay? Is something bothering you?" I questioned her. She quickly looked down, confirming that some thing is wrong.

"I am confused." She muttered in low voice.

"About?" I countered.

"Nothing specific. Just about everything. Our arrival here, conversation with the Pand-"

"Liar!!!" I raised my voice as she flinched. Its apparent that she is lying.

"I met Duryodhan today." She confessed looking down.

"WHAT???" She met Duryodhan and tried to hide this from me!

"Listen to me, Aadhi. I will explain." She spoke as she made me sit on a couch.

She explained what happened. Odd!!! His behaviour was totally odd!

Dishita is considered as Krishna's sister and the Pandavas' cousin. She is related to his each and every archenemies. Then how can he be so nice to her? Is he planning something?


Hello everyone......

Sorry for the delay. I got stuck with some personal stuff yesterday.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, please do vote and comment your thoughts.

So, what do you all think about Duryodhan's behaviour??? Let me know.....

Thank you all......Stay safe.

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