The Intruder Again???

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Third person pov

"I seriously want to know what made you call me a potato." Bheem spoke with a grumpy face looking at Yudhishtr. Yudhishtra looked at his mom for help but she just shrugged.

When Bheem received no answer, he directed his next question to his mom. Others were laughing non stop, which irked Bheem a lot.

"Did I really look like a potato, Mata???" Bheem asked and Kunti shook her head in a no.

"You should have, Bhrata. Remember that Jyesht never lies!" Arjun said and broke into fits of laughter once again.

"Here after, Bhrata Bheem shall be know as Bhrata Potato!!!" Nakul said hi-fied with Arjun. Bheem huffed in anger.

"Okay kids. Stop teasing Bheem. He was actually so cute when he was a baby." Kunti spoke and everyone immediately became quiet.

"So.... Balram and Krishna are already married. What about you?" Kunti asked pointing towards Dishita.

Dishita looked here and there and then pointed to herself. "Me???" She asked looking at Kunti, who nodded in return.

"Not happening before I meet at least 3 more of my bhabhishrees." Dishita said giving a small wink to Aditya.

"Th-three more?" Aditya asked, confused. What did she mean by three more!

"Yes. Your marriage, Jyesht's and Bhrata Bheem's. Why? What did you think?" Dishita asked with a raised eyebrow and chucked seeing his flustered face.

"But every girl has a dream of her to-be husband na.... What's yours jiji???" Subhadra asked, suddenly becoming interested.

"Hmm... Nothing like a dream, but yeah, I have a checklist in order for me to fall for my to-be-husband." Dishita said and Krishna and Balram exchanged looks .

"But if there's a checklist, is that really love?" Krishna asked and Dishita was taken aback by his question.

She opened and closed her mouth, attempting to answer him, but everything went in vain. He had a point....

"I cannot describe what love is, nobody can. It's different for everyone. We fall in love at the most unexpected time, with the most unexpected person. But when you do, all those checklist will never matter." Krishna spoke and Aditya started to think how true his words were.

Dishita was silent. She didn't know what to say. Everyone were looking at her, waiting for her to say something.

"But...." She trailed off, unsure what to say. Her mind was swirling with too many questions.

"Leave this topic... Let's talk about something else." Dishita said and everyone moved on to the next topic. They sat there chit chatting for the whole day.


Tonight Dishita was determined to sneak out of the place. She got dressed again and hid her face with the extended cloth of her turban.

She was very careful today. She sneaked successfully without being spotted by anyone. She again reached the same tree. Climbing that tree and jumping out on the other side was the easiest way to get out of this palace.

She was about to climb the tree, suddenly she felt a sword against her neck. She froze for a second.

Karn was roaming restless in his chamber. He suddenly got an urge to go to the place where he met that intruder yesterday. Unable to control the urge, he took his sword and started to go to that tree, where he met that beautiful... No no... Intruder yesterday.

As he approached the tree, he saw a person standing there. Or to be more precise, the very same intruder standing there. Karn was damn sure that it was the same girl. He didn't know how he was so sure, but he was sure.

He silently sneaked behind her and pressed his sword on her neck. At the same time, he was careful not to hurt her.

"Who are you, devi???" He asked in a husky voice which made Dishita's heart race.

He waited for a few minutes for an answer. He repeated his question again when he received no answer.

Karn tried to remove the cloth which was hiding her face. But the girl just turned around, her back facing him.

"Don't do that. I am not a threat. Trust me." She whispered and Karn took his sword off her neck.

"Then who are you?" He asked again.

"I can't say that. But I am not a threat." Dishita said in a low voice. She didn't know why she didn't reveal who she was. She just spoke whatever her mind asked her to.

"How can I believe you?" He questioned, even though his heart screamed him to believe her.

"Trust me." She said and turned to face him. Karn mentally cursed the darkness and that stupid piece of cloth hiding her face.

"How can I trust you that you aren't a thief or an intruder?" He questioned her again and this time, his heart was ready to kill him by stopping pumping blood, only to be stopped when the brain apologized.

Dishita stayed silent. She wasn't sure what to say to him. Her mind was shouting at her to tell him the truth, but she stayed silent.

"You will meet me here everyday at this same time until I am convinced that you are not a threat. Don't even try to escape. I will hunt you down wherever you go." Karn spoke and Dishita was super shocked.

"But..." She started to oppose but was cut off by Karn.

"No buts. You will meet me here everyday at the same time. Do you understand devi???" He said sternly. He seriously didn't know what made him to say that but he just did.

"Okay." She whispered slightly. A smile appeared in Karna's face.

"We shall meet tomorrow devi. Good night." He said and left. Dishita stood in the same place, rooted to the ground. What did just happen??? She was sure about one thing that she was stuck in a very big problem!

On the other hand, Karn was confused by his behaviour and was also hoping that one day, he might get a chance to see that girl's face!


Hello everyone!!!

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Love you.... Stay safe everyone....

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