"Hey Maria, we need help searching for a little boy. You up for it?" He asks as I smirked while I closed my laptop gently. "Where's the scene?" I asked as he tells the park's name as I got up and hung up my phone while I grabbing my phone and keys while I walked out of my room to see Kiba splayed out onto the couch with Hige playing outside and Tsume looking into the fridge. "Okay, you guys behave, I'm gonna go out," I told them as Kiba opened his eyes and looked at me. "Where are you going?" He asked as I sighed and looked at him. "I was called to look for a little boy," I said as he nods. "Alright, we'll be here, then," he says as I nodded and walked out of the home and got into my car and drove through the neighborhood. 

It's been a few days since Tsume and Hige came down. I'm just glad it's only those two. I don't want my house filled with more wolves. That will raise tremendously large red flags and I don't need that. Chase thinks this is gonna protect me, but doesn't he remember that trouble follows me no matter who protects me. I sighed as I got out of my car once reaching Mesa Valley park. I closed my door behind me before I fixed myself and headed over to Nick who started to get me up to date what was going on. "His mother said she last saw him on the Jungle gym set, but she turned her back for one minute, and he was gone," He explains as I hummed. "Abduction?" I questioned as he shrugs as I followed him into an empty swimming pool area through a wired area. I stared at the empty water as I saw a small green puddle as I narrowed my eyes. "He wouldn't be here," I said as I got up from a crouch I was in as I grabbed Nick's flashlight as he snapped his head as he followed me while trying to grab his flashlight from me. But I continued to walk over to the parking lot while looking under the cars. Nick stopped me as I looked at him once I stood straight and saw a woman who I widen my eyes as Nick stared at me. "Kelly..." I breathed out. She seemed startled from seeing Nick as I hand him his flashlight. "I'll be right back," I told him as he stared at me before I ran off following the startled female. 

"You know....it's nice of you to walk away from an old classmate..." I spoke up on the side while I had my arms crossed as Kelly jumped. 'What? How?" She gasped as i pushed myself off the fence and walked over to her. "So i see prison let you go. Let me guess paroled?" I asked her as she stopped and looked at me. "Let me guess still an asshole like in high school," I was amused by her comment. "Nah, I stopped being an asshole since Duncan's death," I told her as she huffed at the name. "I'm quite surprised my father found you," She says as I narrowed my eyes. Since she has been in Vegas, she sounds like she can beat me up and make me her bitch. But oh, she has no idea, I have experience in fighting. "Look I gotta go," She says as she shoulder checks me and leaves in a rush as I watched her leave in the daylight as I smirked. "Still a scared girl," I called her out as she was about to turn to me. I was gone. Vanished from thin air. 

I walked back to Nick and his teams as the male stared at me as I watch the police bring in their K-9 units. The German Shepherds. They used a red jacket from Jesse's mother who stood while the dogs searched for any scent but it all lead back to the mother as I looked at her. "Maria!" Grissom called to me as I looked at him. "Yeah?" the mother looks at me as she noticed I was wearing casual clothing. "Wait, do you not work for the police?" She asks as I shook my head. "No, but I am a good tracker," I told her as Grissom cleared his throat. "And that's why I need you. Nick told me that you have a wolf," He says as I nodded. "Do you think he can pick up a scent?" He asked as I looked at him and then the mother. "Of course, especially since my cousin brought two more. If you need them, just say the word," I told him as he nods while the mother gulped. 

I stood next to Ms. Matthews as she spoke to an officer before turning to me. "I know how you feel," I told her she stares at me. "No you don't," She says harshly as I spoke. "My children have gone missing before, I have three. One is in an adoptive family," I told her as she widens her eyes as I looked at her before Warrick and Grissom walked over. It looked like Warrick was holding something in his hand. "Mrs. Matthews, I need you to take a look at something. Do you recognize these?" He holds up the white underwear in the evidence bag as I looked at her as she gasps, her mouth was moving. Of course, she was shocked and quite possibly horrified to see what he was holding. Even my heart dropped down to my stomach. "They're..." Suddenly she retches cover her mouth and take a few steps backward as I helped her on the bench seat. Warrick looks at me as I rubbed her back as I knew the pain that was coming from her. She was scared something bad happened to her baby, and I can relate to her. My baby Spectra was taken from me at such a young age.

"Get ready you guys," I said as I grabbed a black collar for Tsume while Hige already had a collar as they looked at me. "What now?" Kiba groans as I put a collar on Tsume who was still human as he looks down at me as he held my wrist as he was trying to stop me. But I still pushed his hands off me and made sure that he was comfortable as I turned to see the TV was on but not on the news channel as I grabbed the remote on the counter and switched channels as I heard a protest from Hige who looked back to stare at me. "Hey! I was watching that!" he says as he turns back around about to get up when he sees what is on the TV. The news was now reporting an AMBER ALERT. Jesse's photo was shown under the Amber Alert with the word Missing in front of him. "Las Vegas police may have a break in the case of a missing boy. An eyewitness has come forward with a more complete description of the suspect," Suddenly a sketch of a man shows on the screen as Kiba leaned onto the couch while Tsume was behind me staring at the TV. "Authorities are now seeking this man in connection with the disappearance yesterday of six-year-old Jesse Matthews," The woman reports as she continues while I walked over and sat down on the Tv room's chair. "Initial reports from the scene only mention a man in a blue cap, but the police artist had a lot more to work with after the eyewitness came forward," Soon on the Monitor, the screen turned to show reporters interviews, Karen Matthews. "Uh, uh ... I'm ju ... I'm just trying to stay positive. And, um, you know, I know that Jesse'll be safe at home again soon," She says nervously as I stared at her on the screen while Tsume walked over to get a closer look. "Do you think there's anything else the police?" A reporter asked as Karen interrupts her. "So. I know he'll be safe," The report goes back to Paula Francis on the screen as continues off what she was told. "The boy's mother, Karen, is holding out hope that she'll see her son again. She's seen tragedy enough. Four years ago, she lost her husband in combat in Afghanistan," She says as I muted the TV and got up and looked at the boys. 

"Now you know why I told you we should go looking for this kid," I said as they nodded. But before I could get ready to leave. I got a call from Nick. "We found him," He says as I narrowed my eyes. "That easily, huh?" I said as I looked at the boys. "Yeah," he says as I nodded. I hung up on him. "They found him....but I feel a little suspicious on this," I said as Kiba nods. "Don't worry, we'll be ready if anything changes," He says as I nodded and walked to out as I walked over to the fence and leaned on the rails as I looked out to the city of Las Vegas. I pulled up my phone out as I called a number. "Cadallac Residents, who is calling?" I heard a female answer as I spoke. "Hi Mrs. Cadallac, I am calling to get an update on my daughter Mei," I answered her as I heard take a deep breath. "Of course, she is doing good. We are actually going on a vacation to Las Vegas to celebrate my husband's birthday," She says as I widen my eyes and smiled. "Um...is it okay if I meet with you guys, to see my daughter? I'm actually stationed here in Las Vegas," I told her as I could feel her smile and gentleness. "Of course, I would actually love to see Mei, see her mother," She says as I smiled. "Thank you...I know you could have told me no and hung up on me. But you are actually giving me a chance on seeing my daughter," I said as she replies. "Of course, I know the feeling, well I got to go, we'll see you in Vegas soon," She says as before hanging up as I smiled and closed my eyes.

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