I looked out my window to see the town as I sighed and frowned while I heard the 'dogs' walking about in the home while I brought my legs to my chest as I blinked to see the twinkling lights of the city. It looked like a million twinkling lights as I heard my phone go off as I looked over to the blinking light of my phone going off as I jumped down from the windowsill and walked over to my desk and I put my phone to my ear. "Hello?" I answered as I heard heavy breathing into the mic as I blinked at the window. "Hello?" I said again this time being quite annoyed at the person on the other end. "Whatever," I ended the call when pulling the phone from my ear and threw it back on the desk and sat back down at the windowsill with one leg crossed underneath me while my other leg was dangling as I leaned on my arm while looking out the window. Again my phone rang as I sighed and got back up while my laced robe followed behind me as I picked up and held it up to my ear. "Hello?" I answered as the breathing started once again. "Okay, whoever this is...go prank someone else," I growled as the breathing stopped and a voice was heard on the other end. 

The voice was smooth and seductive....yet it sounded so familiar. "Hello, Maria...How's Vegas treating you?" he asks as I tried to put a finger on the finger as the man continued to talk to me. "Not gonna answer..." he chuckles lightly as I spoke but not to his answer. "Who are you? What do you want?" I asked as I walked back to my window to look out on to the town once again. "That's such a beautiful body right there...no flaws that indicated that no other man has touched you. The only flaws you have are scars," I pulled on my robe and tried to conceal myself as I pulled away from the moonlit window. "Seriously who are you?" i asked now becoming a little concerned as the man chuckled once more. "Oh...Maria...you'll know soon enough," Then the phone call ended as I looked at my phone and stared at the screen as it turned off letting it rest. "Seriously who was that?" I asked as I walked over to my window and shut the curtains as I stared at the window once again before peeking through the moonlight as the moon fell on my face before I turned away from the window. 

I walked down the stairs as I heard the door being knocked on as I looked around to make sure the others were dogs as they nodded and turned into their wolf forms. I walked over to the door and opened it while the person who stood there was Nick Stokes. "Nick? Good morning," I said as I pushed the door up more as he stared at me with pink dusting over his cheeks. "Sorry, I just woke up. Long night," I told him as he stared at me. "Do you mind if I come in?" He asks as I nodded as I took a step to the side as he walked in to only look at the wolves who were laying down. "Two more?" he asks as I nodded and closed the door behind him. "Here, um sit down, and I'll go put on something to not look like a damn skank," I said as he smiles as I walked off leaving him alone with the three boys as I entered my room as I walked over to my closet only to hear my phone go off once again. 

It's been going off all night. The same guy too...It scared me because he never stopped calling me. I hung up the phone before answering it and went back to getting dressed. I grabbed a dress as I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room and walked back over to the living room to see Hige laying his head on Nick as I smiled at him. "That's Hige," I spoke up as he jumped to see me as he smiled. "He seems like a gentle one," He says as I smiled and walked over and patted the light brown dog on the head before sitting next to him and leaned on my arm which was propped up onto the back cushion. "So why are you her-" The phone goes off as I growled at the phone and threw my head back. "What's wrong?" Nick says as I grabbed my phone and ended the call and put it back on the table. "Just a stupid idiot trying to contact me, and honestly it's getting really annoying," i told him as he nods. "Anyways, I'm here to tell you that Kelly had an overdose and sadly passed away," He says as I blinked at him and then down as I bit my lip and looked away. "Oh my god," I gasped and started to sob as I see Tsume padding up to me as he put his grey head onto my lap as I started to shake as Nick put his hand onto my shoulder to calm me down as I kept my head down as Nick hushed me. 

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