I felt around me as I heard something scrape underneath me to the side as I grabbed it with my right hand and brought it to my face. It was shiny in the glow of the glow stick as I saw it was a digital recorder. "Uh weird," I breathed out as I pressed the play button and listened to it. There was a deep male's voice as I narrowed my eyes as I brought the recorder to my ear. "Hello, Maria," The voice started to taunt as I furrowed my brow. "You may not know me. But I know you remember my daughter Kelly Gordon from school," He says as I blinked back at the name Kelly Gordon. Kelly Gordon? I remember she was at Grandview high with me. Was it math? No, that was Jasmine Hernadez. Was it English? No that was Sam Gino and Patricia Pathi. Biology, maybe? Finally, I remember as the voice went on. "You are probably wondering why you're here? Well because of the shooting, it caused my daughter to be traumatized. Now I would have grabbed Duncan Heki and his friend if they were alive. But guess what? They are dead. So why not go after the next best. The girlfriend of Duncan Heki. You," I gasped. "So breathe quick, breathe slow, put your gun in your mouth, and pull the trigger. Just like they did. Any way you do it, you're gonna die there. Okay," The recorder ended as I dropped it onto my chest. "No not today, not now I am not dying like this," I whispered to myself as I kept moving around. 

I heard the man starting to panic as he started to scream before they started to become into sobs while I kept my breathing down, while I still had tears starting to boil over. But I wiped them away with my wrist and kept pressing on the top hoping I could get out. Suddenly a very bright light at the bottom of my feet and I'm guessing outside the box was shining through as I grimaced and looked away and blinked away the blindness. "Son of a bitch!" I barked out. Now with the bright light, I could see better as I threw the glow stick away from me and turned on my back as I started to move around in the small confined box as I hoped my back could do the trick but I rolled back on my back and started to push with my feet but even then that didn't work. I started to pant and I kept pounding my fist on the glass trying to get out with all my might. 

I started to whimper as I slid my hand only to get burned as I looked down my hand as I held it close to my chest. I was scared. I was worried. I wanted to get out. I wanted to go home. I wanted my parents. I wanted my siblings. I wanted something to tell me this is not real. And it's just a horrible nightmare. Now I was starting to panic. I wasn't panicking before, but now I am scared and just want to get out. "Help! Please! I don't want to die! I don't want to be here! Please! I'm sorry that your daughter was traumatized because of Duncan's choice! But you don't have to do this!" I screamed out while I looked to my side as I picked up the gun but took the clip out of the gun and threw it away from me while flipping off the camera while tears ran down my face. 

I fell asleep during one of my many times of trying to get out as I thought about things from the past. From when I was five years old, I was adopted by Melinda and Jim from a family that didn't give a shit about me. The father was nothing but a perverted asshole. The mother was a meth addict. They had a son, now a convicted man. When brought to Grandview. I was already working, not long of course. Just because I was five years old. I was already aware of everything at a very young age. I knew Melinda had a gift to see and hear the dead. I could also see the dead, hear them, feel how they died, see through their last final moments. When I was 7, we went through a devastating blow in Grandview. A plane crashed. "Trans Eastern Air 395" the plane was called. That day we lost Andrea, Melinda's best friend at on 10:30 am. 228 were killed, 20 were not identified, 2 were killed on the ground. I never found out what happened until I was older. The aircraft took off on the 10th of May, 2006 from Johannesburg, and during the flight, the cabin pressure dropped dramatically causing a drop in temperature. The depressurization occurred when the plane was flying over the Atlantic. The pilot was dead, and his ghost kept visiting Melinda, telling her the passengers were asleep. But when they crashed, they were all killed. 

When I turned 8, I almost lost Melinda on the anniversary of the dead. The memorial fell on her when she went to save the children who survived different tragedies. Kirsten was 12 years old, the rest of the children were either older than me or around my age. I never blamed them for her death, but I was almost held back by strangers but I made it to her body. She did however come back to us.  When I turned 9, we lost Jim who actually took over another body. I guess before his death my little brother Aiden was conceived. I was so excited when he came. I was finally an older sister.

I was told by my Uncle who was working with that I had older siblings and I was the youngest, biologically. My last name never changed from Clancy, I kept that name, and always had it on my stuff. When I turned 11, I went to Jr. high and was bullied, so I took on the role of playing the Blue Whale dare game, brutalized and mutilated myself just to end my life. I was saved by a curator who couldn't stand the guilt of my death. My parents sent me to a biological cousin, who lived in Michigan called Stillwater. I toughened up, knew how to use a gun, knew how to drive at an early age. I knew how to calm myself in situations that I would get myself killed. I've been kidnapped before, and I knew how to get out of the restraints. I knew how to let go of the death of many. I also....knew how to kill. I was the youngest, but the best of what I was doing. Before I left Grandview, I met my best friends, Shade and Arch. The brothers. The next year throughout Jr. High. I met Duncan and Dominic. Duncan right away fell for me. He had a huge crush on me, even as we grew up and entered high school. He was a year older than me. But he still stayed single until I entered high school. Back then that's when Shade, Arch, and I found our voices. We started a band, Duncan and Dominic was in the band. There are videos and songs we never released, after the incident. The last video we did, he asked me out. I told him, yes, but then he did the unthinkable.

The incident the man who did this to me said his daughter was part of it. Kelly was a nerd but had her friends. I had my own friends. I was in the outcast group. Cared for people, but hated guys who kept trying to impress me and change me from who I was. After the shooting, I left the school, went to different schools, and graduated. And started travel, around that might need a little bit of help or because I was running from something. Las Vegas, however, I just wanted to relax. I had just gotten back from tour and I just wanted a road trip to myself. I think this was a bad call on my end. The light turns off after a while as I groaned. The only light was the glow stick that was down at my feet as I used my shoes as I stuck my tongue out as I outstretched my foot and got the glowstick as I rolled it down on my front and then flicked over to me with a little bit of momentum as I smiled. "I knew that trick was going to in handy. Thank you, Troy," I smirked as I remembered the undercover cop when he was with the Saints. 

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