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""What happened?" Nick asked as we were now in his truck as we were waiting outside the elevators as I looked at him. "Her father appeared," I growled as he widens his eyes. "Do you want me to call the police?" He asked as I shook my head. "Don't bother," I told him as he looks at me. "Are you sure?" He asks as I nodded. "I don't want to scare her," I told him as he nods. When the elevator opened I see Mr. Cadallac walking out as he smiled at me. "Thank you for bringing her back," He says as I nodded. "Of course, I'll come by tomorrow after your birthday brunch," I told him as he nods. "Of course," he says as he nods to Nick as a greeting before leaving as Nick revved up his truck before driving off. "So, Sangwoo is his name?" He starts off after a bland silence sat upon us as I nodded. "Yes," I answered him. "Why didn't you tell him?" He asked as I knew he was talking about Angel, but I sighed. "Didn't want to scare him, plus I don't want him to blame me that Sangwoo found his daughter because of me," I looked down. "I'm sorry Maria," He says as I shrugged. "Let's hope he doesn't find you guys," he says as I nodded as he dropped me off in my driveway as I got out and walked over to his window. "Thank you," I told him as I kissed his cheek as he smiles and watches me walk into my home.
Once in, I see the dogs were not even here, which was not out of the ordinary. I sighed as I see that they made a mess of the kitchen like dogs they are. I walked over to the kitchen and picked up the trash and washed the dishes before walking into my room to get clothes to get dress in after showering. I got into my bathroom and turned on my shower as the cold water started to rain while I took off everything and threw them to the basket and put my shoes outside the door and the jewelry onto the counter as I got into the now hot shower as I groaned and then moaned in satisfaction as the water slipped through each crack of my body. "I can't believe I saw him. I can't believe he's even here," I breathed out as I continued to clean my body with the soapy foam wash that smelled like green apple, and my hair wash smelling the same. After finishing I got out by drying off my body as got into my underwear and pajamas. I grabbed my comb from my sink and started to comb through the tangles. After going through my routine, I put my comb down and my toothbrush in its cup. I walked over to the bedroom as I walked over to my computer and started up my music application as I started to record my voice as I opened my book where my lyrics were as I listened to the music that I was working on. "Woke today, another memory passes of you
Shades of gray from those three broken words
That unfold the truth but...
I'll never forget those eyes, that beautiful smile.
I still remember the way you said "good-bye"
No matter how hard I try I can't forget about"
I hummed out the guitar part that I wanted to add as I looked through the sounds that sounded close to my imagination as I closed my eyes and continued to look for the sound and then going on with it and started to go on with the music, adding the drums in the background. "Beautiful Girl
On top of the world
Don't fall down
Because an angel
Should never touch the ground
Last embrace, forcing you away before it's too late
I end this day in a most bitter way
A regretful state but..." I suddenly felt some cloth wrap around my mouth as I gasped and tried to move around as I screamed but it was muffled as I still had my vocals being recorded as I heard a shushing sound of man before my vision went fuzzing and my body was becoming numb as I tried to fight off the person as I pushed off the person before running off into the living room with my feet fumbling over me as I hit the stand that was holding a lamp as it fell over and shattered the lamp as the person grabbed me as I grabbed one of the shattered porcelain pieces of the lamp as I struck the assailant as he grunted as droplets of blood fell onto my floor as he grabbed my head and slammed it onto the table as I finally let myself go as my body shut down fully as I huffed out. Fucking Vegas...
I woke up as I groaned out, my body was lying in a fetal position as I see I was in dark looking room with the sound of water dripping ominously as I blinked my vision as I heard only my heavy breathing as I pushed myself up to my feet but before I can stand fully, I was stopped as I heard the sounds of chains clanking as I stopped to look down that there was chains leading up to me from being attached into the wall. The chains were attached to my neck like a dog as I growled and started to pull on the chains but that ended up choking me as I hit the ground and tried to pull on the chains as my breathing started to sound strained as I gave up knowing it was not going to let up. "Fuck!" I cursed as I heard the sound of a door opening as I looked over my shoulder as I see a dark shadow walk into the light of the sun as see the familiar lighter brown on top of his head as I growled out. "Sangwoo, let me go!" I barked at him as I was about to lunge at him but completely forgot about the chain around my neck as I gasped and choked on it as I landed on my back as I hit the ground hard. That's when I noticed I was not in my black dress but instead in my underwear. "Uh-huh, don't do that or else," He then shows a long stick as I see the glimmer of the metal gleam through the sunlight as I gulped and pulled back as I hit the wall with my back as he used the bat as a guiding stick as he hums with a grin on his face. "See, just as obedient just like back then," He says as I growled at him.
"What do you want?" I hissed at him as I stared at him with narrowed silver eyes, burning with fiery hatred as he smiles. "A family, I want you and my daughter, so we can start a family," He says as my nostrils flared with anger. "In your dreams, Sangwoo, you're so-called family is only a fantasy. Your daughter is with her family," I told him as he chuckles darkly. "Not for long though," he says as I blinked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked as he grins and sighs before pulling the bat away from me and held on his shoulder. "I know where she is staying...I know what room she is sleeping in. I am gonna follow her and her family and lure her in and take her," he says as I widen my eyes. "No! You can't do that! I don't want her in this life! I don't want you to fucking hurt her!" I barked at him as he brought down the bat down onto my ankle as I screamed as I heard the familiar sound of bones shattering as I felt the unbearable pain as he hit the other one as I start crying out in pain as I laid down as I closed my eyes as the room was now filled with sobs, whimpers, and gasps of pain. "Just watch me, bitch!" he walks out of the room leaving me in the room as I closed my eyes as the pain was so unbearable as I passed out from shock.
"There is a code Adam, I repeat a Code Adam was put out for a missing child," Nick walked over down the strip as he stopped to see a familiar man who was standing away from another woman with ginger hair and green eyes as she was just falling apart as the man was talking to Brass. "So explain to me what happened?" Brass asked as he was jotting down the notes on the notepad he carried. "We were walking around the store, like a regular family. I had told my daughter to look at some toys that she wanted to buy, but she asked if she could get something for her biological mother, and I told her that was fine, so she went off, not that far, just to another corner. That I could see her from, my wife was upstairs looking at something else, but I turned my back for one moment and when I looked back, Mae was gone. I called out her name, and when she didnt' answer, I asked the clerk who was standing next to me if he saw where my child went. But he said he was looking away and didn't even know my daughter had walked by. When my wife came down, I thought maybe she went up with her, but when I saw that she wasn't with her. That's when I called, please, you have to find her. She has never been here before, she was with her biological mother not to long ago. I tried calling her, but her phone keeps going to voice mail," He says as Nick stares at him. "That's weird, usually Maria answers her phone this late," he says as Brass looks at him. "Maria is the mother?" He asks as he nods. "Yes sir," He says as Brass sighs. "Call Maria, see if she'll pick up for you," he says as Nick did what was asked as he pulled out his phone and called Maria's phone.
The three rings were left uncalled for, as it went straight to voicemail. Nick called her a couple of times, but he started to grow worried because he hadn't heard anything from Maria. "She's not answering for me either," he says as Brass called form his radio to check up on Maria's home. Nick looked at Brass as he nodded for him to leave to Maria's home to check up on her. Nick got into his truck and drove towards the home. Once getting there, he saw the police were already walking up to the door. Maria's car was still in the driveway, and as Nick walked up to the front door, he noticed the door was left cracked open. This made him fill up with fear as he entered the home. "Maria? It's Nick! Maria?" He opened the door and once entering, he saw the living room was in ruins. There was a lamp on the ground shattered, the table it was on, laid on the ground. There was blood drops and a bloodied piece of porcelain as Nick stopped to see three dogs still passed out as Nick ran over to check on their pulses, and it was confirmed they were passed out but fine. Maria however was nowhere to be seen. "Maria's not here, but I think she was taken too," Nick reported as he stared at the bloodied mess.

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