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"An apartment would be fine with me. Not a damn mansion. Who's gonna live with me?" I asked as I heard my phone beep loudly to only tell me that my brother had hung up on me as I threw my phone down onto the couch as I groaned. "I hate being from a royal family," I huffed and slammed my body onto the furniture. I turned my head to the television as I turned it on with the smart remote while putting it on the channel as I heard on the reporter started talking about a shoot out as I moved my feet off the cushions and rolled around so I could sit back up. "We're flying over Third Street where just this morning police were involved in a deadly shootout," That is not good. I was still getting over the murder of the McBrides and now I'm here just being away from the police and the CSIs while I shut my eyes while I yawned deeply. 

It was the next day as I looked at my phone to see that I was getting different texts from Nick and Sara. They were asking for help, but as I was about to get dressed I heard scratching at my door as I looked over and squinted my eyes. "What the?" I got up and walked over to the front door to only look through the crack as I didn't see anyone until I felt the bottom of the door push open as I looked down and saw bright snow-white fur walk past me. "Hey!" I yelled at the dog that had walked in. "What the hell? I didn't invite you in?" I barked at the dog who huffed and turned to me. "You think I really care?" The dog morphed back human as he looked at me. "Yes, because this isn't your home, Kiba," I inquired as Kiba huffed. "What's going on? Usually, you are never near here, in a big city," I said as I walked over to the back and opened the door while Kiba follows me outside and looks at the view to the city. I narrowed my eyes as Kiba stuffed his hand into his pocket while he spoke. "I have my reasons," He replies coldly as I huffed at him. "What is your reason? You better speak up before I do throw you out on to the streets and have Las Vegas street dogs chase after ya," I threatened as Kiba scoffed and shook his head. "Las Vegas changed you, little cousin," He states as I smirked. "Well then you're being thrown into the Las Vegas and then put into a life-threatening box," I explained to him as he shook his head and leaned down onto the railing which was like a fence that stood around the property as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Chase sent me out here to watch over you," He says as I sighed with annoyance laced into my voice as I spoke. "Of course, he did. That's just what he does best," I growled out while I bit the side of my cheek. 

I had my phone ring with the news that there will be a community meeting to discuss what happened the other morning. I was with Kiba who stood with me in the back as we leaned onto the back wall to look at the community meeting. We were in a church and where I stood, every seat was filled which was a huge surprise for me. We stood next to reporters as I crossed my arms over my chest as Grissom from the Crime lab stood up to report his findings, I'm guessing. "Hello. My name is Dr. Gil Grissom. I'm the night shift supervisor for the Las Vegas Police Department's Crime Lab. I'm not a police officer; I'm a scientist," He says as I heard a man in the back but still in the crowd yelled at him "You work for the cops. That makes you a cop. You're not on our side," He yells as I stared at the man as the audience clamors around him before barked at the man. "Hey, let him speak," the man turned to look at me as he gulped while he stared at me. I mean I would be scared as well. A girl wearing a black trench coat, black dress that was laced up to the front while the side of the shoulder was also laced up, I had black boots on that reach to my mid-thigh, was my fingers were decorated with claw armor on my fingers. "Thank you, and actually, I'm a forensics expert. My job is to identify, collect, and examine physical evidence from a crime scene, to determine who did what to whom and how did they do it. I've been asked to come here today by the mayor and Sheriff Burdick to present our analysis of the evidence in this case to your community," Grissom explains what his job does as a lady questions him. 

"Why aren't they here? Why should we believe your evidence?" She questions as Grissom answers her before I could add my comment. "Physical evidence cannot be wrong. It doesn't lie. It's not influenced by emotion or prejudice. It's ... it's not confused by the excitement of the moment. I'm here, in God's house, to explain to you the truth about exactly what happened the other day. I'd like to start by showing you some photos," Next to him on a monitor there is a picture of a bullet on the screen. "This is a bullet that was recovered from the Kevlar vest of Officer Daniel Bell, now deceased," A cop was killed in the line fire during this whole thing, of course, Nick had called me to help by tracking another a man who escaped their grasps but I back down to that task. Tell him that it was not my job to help out all the time. Suddenly a man stood up as I knew who he was, he was always on the news talking about his son and blaming the police. "What about my son? What-what does the evidence say about my son?" He interrupts the scientist who was patient with him. "Okay, if you like, we can start there," he says as the father urges with a plea. "Please," Grissom changed the monitor to a second display.

"This photo is a comparison of two cartridge cases. The one on the right was found next to your son. The one on the left was test-fired from Jose Fausto's pistol. As you can see, there are corresponding individual marks on both cartridges. These are unique, like fingerprints. It means that they were fired from the same gun. It proves that while attempting to escape from the police. Jose Fausto shot your son Geraldo in the back," He finishes as the man questions him as if he didn't understand why a guy would go after his son. "Why would he do that?" He asks as Grissom explains his findings. "We recovered your son's bicycle from Jose Fausto's motel room. Your son was on his way to football practice. "It appears that Jose Fausto shot your son so he could use his bike," He concludes as the father got his peace as he sits down while being quiet. I could feel his and his wife's emotions as I looked away while they continued on with the meeting while Kiba and I continued to whisper to one another about the findings. They finally told the officers about who had killed one of their own was an accidental death. Jim Brass. I closed my eyes and looked away.

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