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Changmin's pov

Soomin was asleep on my lap, she was exhausted and thirsty. Good thing we managed to save her.

"So NCT found your HQ... What are you gonna do next?" Hwasa asked us and we thought about that.

"What do you recommend?" Sangyeon asked her, she chuckled.

"You know what I'm gonna do," hwasa replied and we scoffed.

"Blow things up," juyeon said and they high fived.

"I can do it for you.. it's not a big deal," hwasa said and sangyeon rejects it.

"No.. i guess we'll just probably.. poison them," sangyeon said and i laughed.

"Not enough," i replied and they all looked at me.

"They kidnapped soomin and dragged her around like a sack of rice... What the f*ck.. poisoning is not enough," i said consumed with vengeance.

"Changmin get a hold of yourself dammit.. if you do anything stupid their allies would probably track you down individually instead of tracking us down as a group," sangyeon said trying to woke me up.

"I don't care! As long as they feel what she feels.. then I'll calm my ass down," i said sticking to my dark and psychotic mind.

"Listen to me you brat! You're soomin's boyfriend... And if she finds out that you're dead.. she will never forgive herself.. so please think about that," sangyeon protested and i snapped.

"Ok fine! Do whatever you want LEADER," i said pressing the word "leader" making his blood boil.

"You're so consumed with your own world... Wake up ji changmin... You're getting yourself in trouble," juyeon tried and i sighed.

"Listen to them changmin," hwasa tried to convince me.

"Fine.. let's just poison them," i gave up and they all sighed in relief.

"You mean it right?" Hyunjae asked and i glared him.

"Ok that's enough," new said trying to calm me down.

Once we reached our HQ, hwasa and her girls went back with their own van. They tagged along with us just to keep soomin safe.

"She's really precious," hwasa said caressing soomin's hair.

"Protect her while you still can," hwasa said and changmin nodded.

Changmin took soomin to bed and changed her clothing, he took care of her wrists that were a little bruised.

"They're gonna pay alright," changmin mumbled and put her to bed.

Everyone gathered in changmin and soomin's shared room, talking about what they're gonna do next as revenge.

"Like i said.. we're gonna poison them," sangyeon said and they agreed on it.

"But who will you send? You do know if one of us goes undercover anyone would kill us right on the spot," hyunjae said and sangyeon thought about it for awhile.

"We have tons of allies too right? We can send jeongin to fake cooperate with them," eric said and sangyeon snapped his fingers.

"Eric you're a genius," sangyeon complimented and he smiled proudly.

"So there's no break in which is good.. how about we go as an undercover bodyguard for them as well?" Sunwoo suggested.

"How?" Jacob asked him, sunwoo pointed at kevin.

"Kevin hyung can design some rip-off face masks for us," sunwoo said and kevin shrugged.

"It might take a while though," kevin said counting the members.

"How long?" I asked him, he calculated the days that he might take.

"3 days," he guessed and sangyeon pursed his lips and breathe out.

"They might attack any of us in 3 days.. how about contact stray kids to help kevin?" Sangyeon gave out his opinion, eric contacted stray kids.

"Yes? Channie here,"

"Hyung.. we need your help," eric said and channie chuckled.

"Sure... What's up?"

"We're planning a secret break in.. we need jeongin as the person who will give a confession of a fake cooperation with NCT," Eric explained and chan hummed.

"Sure i can do that.. jeongin would love to help you too but.. what are the rest of my members gonna do?"

"As his assistance.. and we might need some help with rip off masks," eric continued.

"I have minho here who can help you.. and with your member working together with mine will take about 1 day to design 11 masks  for ya'll,"

"That's good to know hyung... Are you gonna assist us in our HQ or the other way around?" - eric

"Well it's been awhile since I've been to your HQ... So i'll assist you there,"

"Oh yeah and i heard that there's a new member in your group,"

"Yeah it's a girl.. she's the reason why we're planning all this," - eric

"What?! Did something bad happen?"

"NCT kidnapped her like... 5 hours ago," - eric

"I see... We'll be there in 10 minutes i really want to meet her though,"

"Yeah but don't touch her," - changmin.

"I won't harass her geez,"

- call ended -

"You don't need to be rude," juyeon said calming me down.

"I have trust issues now," i said frontally.

"We do too so don't worry," new said sarcastically and i rolled my eyes.

"Let's just get out before we all get brutally murdered by our own member," younghoon suggested and with that they all left the room.

- end -
Changmin is scary

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