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Soomin's pov

My name is park soomin, i live in a dorm with some friends. I was in middle school this year and things changed when i met the guy in the streets.

- 2 days ago -

"I'm gonna be late so don't wait for me okay?" I said to my roommate and she nodded, she left the library and i proceeded to study.

After 3 hours of studying for the upcoming tests i packed my stuff and returned the books back to their shelves.

It was 8 at night and i had to walk back to the dorm which was a 5 minute walk, but i don't really mind about it.

There's rarely any criminal activity going on around here so i just slowly walked back to my dorm.

That's when i heard someone groaning and wincing in pain, i tried to ignore it but i felt guilty so i tried to find the source.

I gasped to find a man brutally killing another man who was wearing a clean black suit.

The killer saw me and i backed away, i was gonna run but his words made me stop.

"If you run I'm gonna shoot you," he said and i stand still and felt him approaching me.

"Good girl... Now go to sleep," he said and put a cloth over my nose and mouth making me gasping for air.

I soon fell asleep on the stranger's arms because of the narcotics he used on me.

- next day -

I woke up feeling dizzy, i rubbed my eye and scanned around the place. It wasn't my dorm, it was an unknown place.

My guess is that i'm in a wealthy mansion, but who's mansion? I never even seen a mansion this wide and pretty.

"Oh you're awake," someone entered the room, i screamed and he screamed as well.

"CAN YOU NOT?!" He yelled at me holding onto the door for support.

"First of all that's really rude for shouting at me but my name is sunwoo and I'm a member of THE BOYZ which is a mafia group and you're gonna be part of us even though you're not a boy but everyone accepted you as a member so yeah.. get up here's your clothes and come downstairs after that," he rapped, i kinda understand and catch what he's saying.

He even mentioned the word 'mafia' which scares me more, so i did as he told and wore the clothes.

It was a... Not too revealing clothes but still revealing, he gave me crop tops and short shorts like really short.

I tried to cover my thighs with something and found a hoodie in the closet.

I reached for it and tied it around my waist, much better. After checking out myself once more i went downstairs to find 11 boys discussing about something.

"Hi.. wow you're pretty," a boy who looked like a puppy said.

"Uhm.. thanks i guess?" I replied and someone pulled me to sit down next to him.

"Remember me?" He asked and i nearly fainted when i saw the man who killed someone yesterday.

"First of all he's a bad guy so he deserves it... And second you're staying here.. Forever... And third my name is changmin but call me Q... Lastly you are so pretty," the guy said and i was a little flustered..

"What's with the compliments and stuff? And why am i here?" I asked standing up again.

"Sit down or you'll regret," another man said and i sat back down.

"You're here because you witness Q killing a guy yesterday... I know that you're gonna tell the police so we brought you here," the guy that threatened me explained.

"But what about my school? My friends?" I asked and they all laughed.

"You're so cute! Don't worry juyeon and sunwoo are gonna help you study.. and your friends? We told them that you're moving out," the man continued and i looked at sunwoo.

"What?" He asked and i shook my head, i searched for my phone.

"Oh we bought you a new one," Q said and gave me a new phone still in the box.

"You don't have to," i said and he smiled.

"Take it.. consider it as a welcome gift," he said and i smiled.

"Look at that smile!" Another guys randomly squeals.

"Oh yeah we haven't introduced ourselves," the man said again and the others fixed their appearances.

"Ok i'll go first.. my name is sangyeon and I'm the leader here," he said and i nodded.

"My name is juyeon... I'm an assassin and your mentor for now," the other one said and i smiled.

"My name is kevin.. and I'm a designer and tattoo artist in the gang," the guy who had several tattoos on his arm said.

"My name is eric and I'm the youngest here," the guy who complimented me said with a smile on his face.

"My name is new.. this is jacob, younghoon and hyunjae," the boy with blonde hair said.

"And I'm haknyeon basically the doctor here," the last guy said and i hummed trying to remember everyone's names.

"And you?" Eric asked, i looked at them who looked really curious, especially Q.

"Park soomin, I'm 19 years old," i said and the others were shocked.

( Wait 19 years old in middle school what's wrong with me :"))) )

"You're so young," sangyeon said and i chuckled.

"Wait a second.. is that Q's hoodie?" Juyeon asked and Q inspected the hoodie.

"What have you both done last night?" Haknyeon asked and i blushed.

"That question is so unnecessary haknyeon," kevin said and haknyeon rubbed his nape.

"Sorry," haknyeon said and bowed, i could tell that the others were holding in their giggles.

"Can you tell us why you have Q's hoodie around your waist?" Jacob asked politely.

"Well the clothes that sunwoo gave are too revealing... So i tried to cover myself," i explained and he nodded understanding.

"But why cover your body when your body looks sexy?" Eric asked out of the blue.


- end -
This is gonna be funn

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