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I really need to sleep sometimes dkskds

Soomin's pov

"You don't f*cking dare touch my girl!" Changmin said murdering the guard with a bullet on his head.

The guard died in a single blow after, i held my head and closed my eyes shut gaining consciousness. It hurts a lot.

"Shh don't move just stay still," changmin said holding my hand and telling me to stay still.

"Thank you," was the last thing i mouthed to him before i fainted.

"Yeah.. pass me the X-ray please,"

"Hmm.. she's ok alright,"

"Will she be okay?"

"Of course why wouldn't she be ok?"


"Okay pass me the bandages,"

"And lastly the syringe,"

"Okay that should do it,"

I woke up and groaned in pain as i saw a bright light right on top of me, it was blinding me and making me hard to focus.

"Dude help her what the f*ck is wrong with-"

"SHUSH! stop giving her a headache," someone whispered beside me making me look at that person.

"Haknyeon?" I called out and he smiled at me, he has some scratches and a patch on his head.

"Woah... are you ok?" I asked sitting down and he told me to just lie down.

"I'm fine my body is strong you know.. you on the other hand got hit on the head which is not good," haknyeon explained and i hummed.

"Well.. you'll probably have light headaches some days but you'll be fine if you just pause working for a good 5 days," haknyeon said giving good tips as a mafia doctor.

"I will keep that in mind then," i said and he smiled, he went to his desk to sit down.

"Where's... changmin," i asked him and he chuckled while looking at me.

"He still feels sorry.. he left before you even like gain all your consciousness.. but he did help me when doing a small rescue operation on you," haknyeon said and i pouted.

"He's a coward," i mocked and haknyeon gaped his mouth in surprise.

"what?" I asked him and he pointed beside me, i turned to see changmin.

"What did you just say?" Changmin asked leaning in, i was surprised but I didn't show it.

"You're a-" before i can even finish my sentence he had pulled me into a rough kiss.

"Hmm... i f*cking miss your lips," changmin said and i pulled him into another rough kiss, but this time it had a pinch of lust into it.

"You're a coward and selfish f*cker," i mocked him just to blend in with the atmosphere.

"And you're a bossy little b*tch that i own to my self," changmin said and we can help but laugh after.

"I'm so sorry," he said crying on my shoulder, i cried and hit his shoulder harshly.

"You're an assh*le," i said and changmin laughed at me, haknyeon was just watching while being weirded out.

"Ok you two better get away from the bed," haknyeon said and changmin carried me to the living room.

Everyone was in the living room but changmin didn't give a damn care about them, the others were just watching a good live porn.

"You're still mad at me?" Changmin asked and i sighed.

"I'm not mad.. I'm just pissed off," i said and he laughed.

"That's just a different word young lady," changmin said and i roughly pulled his hair and kissed his lips.

"Well sh*t," sunwoo cursed, i stared at him and smirked. Sunwoo left because he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Guys... go get a room," chanhee said for the uncountable time.

Changmin brought me to the bedroom and slammed the door shut, he was literally obsessed with me after that fight.

He took his clothes off and smirked, i teased him by slipping my bra strap off first exposing my collarbone and naked shoulder.

"Naughty aren't you?" Changmin asked kissing my shoulder and biting and sucking on my sweetspot.

"Hmm.. changmin," i moaned out, i felt his fingers trailed down to my pants and sneaked inside my underwear caressing my cl*t.

"F*ck... hurry up you a*shole!" I said cursing here and there, he smirked and pulled my pants and undies down in one go.

"You sl*t.. you want this c*ck huh you b*tch?" He asked playing along, sometimes we like to degrade each other when we're mad.

"Yes you jerk! So hurry up!" I yelled and he thrusted inside in one go, he roughly kissed me even bitting my lips.

"F*cking hell slow down you jerk!" I screamed and he smirked and kept banging like there's no tomorrow.

"You asked for it," he said and i sucked his neck leaving some hickeys.

"Son of a b*tch! Faster!" I cursed and arched my back as he sucked on my n*pples.

"Shut up sl*t... let me do all the work," changmin protested and added his fingers in making me shiver.

"Sh*t it feels so f*cking good!" I screamed and wrapped my arms around changmin's neck.

Changmin wrapped my legs around his waist letting him to thrust in deeper making me lose my mind in a split second.

"How are you still so addicting to me?" Changmin asked forgetting the degrading part, he thrusted in quicker and finally we both came.

He plopped right on top of me letting me inhale his vanilla scented body, i placed wet kisses on his neck as he did the same on my shoulder.

"My mouth is sore for screaming f*cks and all that.. i can't call you a sl*t for no reason," changmin explained and i smiled.

"Anything else to say?" I asked and he smirked, he gave a rough thrust making me moan.

"Round 2?"

"That's not wha-"

"Sorry... round 2?"

- end -
I'm really really tired skskdkks

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