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Juyeon is just... an amazing person

Soomin's pov

Since haknyeon and the others forbid me to go on a mission, i decided to bother kevin while he did a little sketching.

"Hey kevin," i said throwing some paper balls at him, acting like my teenage self.

"What?" He asked with a flat tone, he was really into the sketch which made me annoyed.

"Is the sketch more interesting than me?" I asked and he smiled.

"Yes.. this is a piece of art.. and you are a piece of sh*t," he said and i tackled him.

"YOU JERK!" I yelled and hit him with a rolled blue print, he laughed and groan in pain.

"Sit down you're gonna hurt yourself," kevin said holding both of my wrists preventing me from hitting him.

"It's your fault," i said slamming the paper harshly on the table.

Then i bumped my head on the wall and screamed in pain, kevin flinched and came to check on me. My head was bleeding now.

"How the hell?" Kevin asked and called haknyeon, haknyeon immediately came into the room and carried me to the medic room.

He checked on the bleeding and he said that it wasn't serious, but still he had to do something about it.

He stopped the bleeding first and put on some new bandages and told me to rest first, he said that i should be more careful since the healing process will be much longer now.

"The part where your head got hit actually bruised and swells.. then when you bumped your head on the wall it bleeds a little.. you should be more careful," haknyeon explained and i shivered.

"O-okay.. thank you," i said and he nodded, i had to sleep sideways for the first day which sucks.

"I need f*cking ji changmin," i whined hitting jacob's arm. Jacob and sunwoo were taking a rest after working for 5 hours straight.

Sunwoo had his goggles on his head and jacob was taking off his dirty gloves covered with some kind of oil.

"Stop hitting me," jacob said and i chuckled, changmin and the others were out for a simple mission.

Groceries and finding parts for new weapons, they literally locked me in the house thinking that if i go outside i'll get into trouble.

"This is not fair!" I whined again and kicked the air and the cushions that were on the sofa making a huge mess.

"Stop being so whiny! No one likes it ahhhhh!" Sunwoo screamed and jacob screamed as well.

"Ahhhhhh!" The three of us screamed loudly making kevin exit his own room.

"SHUT UP!" Kevin yelled and pointed a twin gun at the three of us.

"Woah there," sunwoo said pointing his handgun on kevin.

"Hey," jacob said pointing his gun on sunwoo, i took a shotgun under the sofa and pointed at jacob.

"Glad to know that ya'll are armed but.. stop screaming!" Kevin nagged us and the three of us gulped and nodded.

"Who started this ruckus huh?" Kevin asked and the both pointed at me.

"As*holes," i grumbled and turned the other way ignoring everyone.

"Don't be like that," jacob said laughing, i pouted and ignored everyone.

"There's some biscuits here do you want some?" Sunwoo asked thinking that i'm a child.

"I'm not a f*cking child that you can kidnap kim sunwoo," i said, kevin and jacob laughed at how shock sunwoo is.

"Okay fine then don't ever eat any biscuits again," sunwoo said and i took my shotgun and pointed at him.

"Hand me the biscuits," i demanded and he threw it at me.

"Why you!" I yelled and shot the wall, everyone flinched. Haknyeon came into the living room with an akm.

"What's going on? Are we under attack?" Haknyeon asked lookind around.

"No.. but this woman is crazy over biscuits and ji changmin," sunwoo explained and i glared at him.

"WHERE IS JI CHANGMIN!?" I screamed and the door opened revealing changmin and the guys.

"The f*ck happened?" Eric asked as soon as he saw me with a shotgun.

"Look at what your girl did," kevin said pointing at the wall that has a huge crack.

"What have you done to her?" Sangyeon asked and jacob explained the whole biscuits and me being whiny for changmin.

"Aww that's so sweet," changmin said hugging me and i hugged him back and hang around him like a koala.

"Look at these two insane couple," chanhee said and i glared at him.

"Shut it," changmin said without even looking at the boy.

"Oh yeah she actually hurt her self and bleed so.."

"SHE WHAT?!" Changmin yelled and haknyeon was startled.

"She bumped her head and bleeds," kevin said and changmin showered me with kisses and pecks.

"Aww... is shouldn't have left you," changmin pouts and i kissed his lips.

"Yeah you shouldn't," jacob said scratching his head, the others went back to work while changmin spoiled me with biscuits.

"Damn they sure look cute when they're sane," younghoon said and the rest agreed.

"Get yourself a girl," i said and changmin giggled and pinched my cheeks.

"Forget it.. you are not cute," younghoon said and left, the rest of the day was just perfect.

"Get well soon my princess,"

- end -
This is just like a crackheaded and insane part

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