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I just got my piercing, the same are like sunwoo.. on the helix and i nearly died LMAO! Thanks sunwoo for changing my life.

Changmin's pov

I woke up to find an empty space beside my bed, soomin left at 5 am and I'm officially missing her already.

"Wake up ji changmin," I heard eric's voice right outside the door.

"In a minute mom," i joked and stretched myself before going to the bathroom to take a quick bath.

Then i went downstairs to find the other members including stray kids, they were having breakfast and discussing about the plan once more.

"Ok.. i got this bulletproof suit that jeongin will wear.. and he should be good to go," kevin said and jeongin tried the outfit, it was a perfect match.

"Ok you look cute in that," haknyeon complimented and he striked a cute pose.

"Please handle these with care," kevin said handing out the rip off masks to us.

"We have plenty of time to get ready.. so let's use the time that we have and claim what we planned for," sangyeon said and all of us cheered.

We wore our masks and tried to blend in our skin colour with the mask, then sunwoo took his poisons.

"Who wants to hold onto the gas poison?" Sunwoo asked.

"Me," juyeon insisted, juyeon had to spray the gas around the enemy's HQ.

"Remember to hide all the bodies after you poison them," chan said and eric and seungmin started hacking into the system.

"Dude their system is so easy to get hacked.. i wonder why," seungmin said underestimating their security system.

"Because we're geniuses who teamed up," eric continued and the both high fived.

"This is why we're meant to be eric," seungmin said and started working on hacking the system with eric.

"DUDE WE CAN DEACTIVATE THEIR WEAPONS!" Eric screamed, he was so hyped.

"Ooohh sweet!" Seungmin joined in the screaming.

After a whole day setting things up we decided to make a bomb too, a bomb that can perish the bouse wholefully.

"Woojin hyung... I thought this was supposed to be here," sunwoo said showing the cables.

"Dude.. I'm teaching you how to make a huge explosion," woojin said and sunwoo chuckled.

"Okay genius," sunwoo said sarcastically, woojin rolled his eyes.

After a whole 30 minutes of bickering, they finally finished the bomb. We decided to let hyunjae set up all the bombs by himself.

"I'm sure you can do it right?" Sangyeon asked and hyunjae scoffed.

"I've been in this stuff for the rest of my life," hyunjae said proudly.

"Just be careful," chan said and hyunjae gave an ok sign.

- midnight -

We move according to our certain roles and positions, me and hyunjin threatening the chefs to cook a meal and poison it theirselves.

We told them to cook some for theirselves too, after that we made sure that they ate the food.

And from there the chefs died miserably, but me and hyunjin had no mercy with them.

Hyunjin passed the food that was meant for the boss to the waiter, the waiter brought the food to the boss's meeting room, where jeongin was present.

Jeongin's pov

I walked inside the meeting room with pride, as like there was nothing going on.

I saw the boss right infront of my face sitting down with his guards beside him, my members like chan and han assist me.

"So you said that you want to be a part of my allies?" The boss asked and i nodded.

"First of all my name is lee hyungseop.. and i am the leader of my gang members," i lied to him, but he seems to buy it.

"I see.. what do you do rather than killing and stealing?" He asked, i smirked.

"Well.. we assassinate people that we hated wether they're innocent or not," i said and he seemed interested, then the food came.

"Oh... This is nice," the boss said inhaling the delicious scent of his dinner.

He ate the food quickly and heartily, minutes later he chocked and died. The guards attacked the waiter while chan and han shooted the guards to death.

"They're so stupid," chan said dragging the bodies after he wore his gloves.

"Eric hyung any sign of danger?" I asked eric.

( It's so weird to hear eric hyung dskdksk )

"Ehm... I guess you can say that,"

"What's wrong?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"Well.. changbin and the others are.. erm... Having a blood party,"

"What?! That wasn't part of the plan," i was shocked and ran straight to changbin's area.

"Hyung what the hell?!" I screamed, there was blood everywhere.

"Oh.. this little guy tried to test me.. so i ripped his head off," changbin said like that's the normal thing he would do.

"Ok fine but how are we gonna hide the body?" I asked him.

"I thought we were gonna blow this place up," changbin said.

"Yeah but we can't just leave this in the open," i said, i saw a bucket and filled it with water. Then i splashed it on the bloody floor making it less dirtier but not to the part where the blood is perfectly gone.

"Well that should do it," i said and changbin chuckled.

"Let's get out of here," he suggested and we ran out.

Everyone gathered around the van and truck, then we drove away while the HQ blows up leaving nothing standing.

Changmin's pov

We did it, we finally did it. I had that victorious smile on my face, i felt proud and relief after getting my revenge.

"Can we have soomin back though?" I asked sangyeon and he shook his head.

"You have to wait 2 weeks,"


- end -
Poor changmin :"

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