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I'm whipped for sunwoo, eric, haknyeon and changmin! Since i made a changmin and haknyeon ff.. should i make one for eric and sunwoo too?

Third person's pov

Soomin wore the lingerie and laid down on the soft and comfortable bed, but then she got an idea when she saw a bottle of wine and the glasses.

She took two wine glasses and placed them on the table, then she opened the bottle of wine and poured a small amount into the glass.

Changmin just got in time for something he had never asked for, soomin smirked and handed the other glass to him.

"Since we only have one night here.. let's ruin the bed sheets," soomin said and took changmin's shirt off revealing his abs.

Then she poured all the wine on his abs and licked it all up while looking up at him with innocent eyes, changmin was excited as his eyes were filled with hunger and lust

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Then she poured all the wine on his abs and licked it all up while looking up at him with innocent eyes, changmin was excited as his eyes were filled with hunger and lust.

"Sh*t you are way wilder than how i expected," he said and changed positions.

Soomin was lying down on her back as he now undressed her from her underwear, he didn't took the top part off.

"Nah.. keep the choker and skirt on," he said and soomin spread her legs wide for him.

"Let me just," he poured some drops of wine on her cl*t making her gasp.

"I'm just making it sweeter," he said and devoured her cl*t making her moan loudly.

"Sh*t!" Soomin screamed and arched her back as he sucked and bit her p*ssy.

She immediately came and he sucked all the juices off her, he licked his lips and smirked. Soomin pulled him down to the bed and took his pants and boxers off.

She gave him a blowjob for the first time and he enjoyed it, soomin's not that skilled but she did watch some videos on how to do them.

"How are you so good? Hmm," he moaned in pleasure and thrusted inside her mouth hitting the back of her throat.

"I'm gonna.." he came afterwards and she swallowed all the cum not leaving a single drop.

"Now.. let's get to the real game," he said and placed her down on the bed.

"I'm not gonna use protection is that fine?" Changmin asked and soomin knew the purpose behind it.

"Changmin.. if you want kids then you can just say it," soomin said and he smirked.

"I want twins.. can you do that for me?" He asked and she pulled him into a kiss.

"I can make triplets too if you like.. it depends on our luck," soomin said and he chuckled, changmin thrusted inside and she screamed in pain.

"F*ck you're still so tight," changmin said and she hummed, it's been a week and soomin have to get used to changmin's size again.

"You can move now changmin," she said and he nodded, he sucked on soomin's neck leaving purple hickeys.

"Faster.. faster!" Soomin pleaded and he gripped her hips and thrusted faster, deeper and rougher.

The only feeling that she missed for the week is being filled by changmin's length and how his touch could make her go dizzy.

"F*cking hell changmin!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and scratched his back.

"There Changmin! Right f*cking there!" She screamed and changmin took one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder.

"Yes wifey.. you like this don't you?" He asked slapping her ass making her yelp.

The both had the longest session of their life, after 5 hours of nonstop s*x the both were now cuddling with each other.

"You still look so pretty after the wedding and our hottest and longest session," changmin said and soomin just remembered that she still have makeup on.

"I might smudged my whole face now," soomin joked and changmin chuckled.

"Babe.. you have the best and hottest looking face right now," changmin said complementing his wife.

"Stop being so nice ji changmin," soomin said and he smirked.

"Are you asking me to act rough to you ji soomin?" Changmin asked and soomin blushed by the name change.

"Stop it,"

"I'm not gonna stop.. you're mine forever ji soomin,"

- seoul -

"So.. you both want to have couple tattoos?" Kevin asked and the both nodded.

"It'll be cool and sweet," changmin said and soomin agreed.

"And cringy if it's bad," soomin said and changmin hugged her while laughing.

"Don't worry.. you can just pick and i'll judge it," kevin said and the both thought about something.

"How about... king and queen?" Soomin suggested and changmin nodded.

"You mean like king and queen card thingy?" Kevin asked and soomin nodded.

"Yeah.. right here," soomin said pointing on the side of her body.

"Oohh.. creative," kevin said and they settled on the king and queen tattoo.

"Okay.. take your shirt off so i can do it easier," kevin said and soomin did as he wanted.

"Man.. you're just taking advantage on my wife here," changmin said covering my chest area.

"Shut it.. i'm not eric," kevin said and started to sketch and painted my side with his beautiful sketch.

"And we're done.. now.. changmin come here," kevin said after covering the tattoo with some cover.

"I haven't gotten another tattoo in a while," changmin said and kevin chuckled.

"It's as good as s*x," kevin lied and changmin scoffed.

"I'm not dumb you know," changmin replied and kevin chuckled as he began sketching on changmin's bare body.

Changmin winced in pain as kevin did the tattoo on changmin's body, soomin hold his hand to support him and bare with the pain.

"Done.. hope you like it," kevin said and the both admired the tattoo on the mirror, they were more than satisfied by now.

 hope you like it," kevin said and the both admired the tattoo on the mirror, they were more than satisfied by now

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"Dude.. it's more than beautiful," changmin complimented and kevin smiled.

"Glad you liked it.. and congratulations both of you for being official," kevin said cleaning his stuff.

"Yeah.. so lucky to have you,"

"We need to check on your stomach right now.. i want the baby,"

- end -
Last part on the next part.. i think

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