Chapter 4

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Collaboration with priyaxsidneet

Avu was walking on main road a car was coming from behind and he tried to save her

Sm1: Why brakes of car aren't working? I don't want to hurt that girl. What to do? How to save her

A boy came running towards avu and pushed her on other side of road. Both fell down. Avu fell on boy. Soon avu came back to senses

Avu (shouts): What the hell are you doing here lucky?
Lucky: Love calm down. I tried to save you. I think that car loss brakes
Avu (shouts): I don't want anyone's help. You all stay away from me
Lucky (shouts): Let's go home. I will drop you. Now no more arguments
(Lucky drag avu towards his car)

Meanwhile from far distance a boy was admiring avu. Lucky's back facing him so he couldn't saw him.
Boy's pov: Such a angel she is!! Thank god she is safe now. I think she isn't feeling comfortable with that boy that's why she shout on him (Thinking about her boy left from that place) (Lucky drop avi at her home and left)

Lucky's pov: Why on earth she is upset and disturb? What happened to her? I think she need some alone time. I should leave her. Will talk with her later
Avu's pov: Why my parents didn't share about dadi with me. How can we save her now?

To be continue....

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