Chapter 7

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Reem: See Avu. Do you want your dadi or Lucky?
Avu: I want both
Reem: But Avu you know na it's not possible. You have to choose one of them
Avu: Ok. Thanks Annu. Will ttyl
Reem: Np. Anytime
Hangs up the call.
Whole night Avu cries. She couldn't sleep.
Next morning
Avu goes out for breakfast.
AU: Avu beta did you decide something?
Avu:(in a low tone) Yes dad. I am ready for this marriage
Tears came out of his dad's eyes. He got up and hugged her tightly.
AU: I am sorry. I am really sorry my princess. Because of me you lost your love, your dreams. I am not a good father
Avu didn't spoke a word. She was fighting back her tears. Finally she spoke.

Avu: No dad. You are the best dad in this world. And it's my own decision. You don't need to worry
AU broke the hug and kissed her forhead.
AU: I am so blessed to have a daughter like you
Avu forced a smile.
They had breakfast unwillingly.
Avu: Dad I have to give college leaving letter. I will go today only

AU: (sadly) Ok beta
Avu booked a cab and left. Whole way she had tears in her eyes.
In college
Lucky came and back hugged her.
Lucky: Hi love. How are you?
Avu: I am fine
She gave a forced smile.
Lucky: Hey you are hiding something from me Avu. Tell me what is it?
Avu: Woh actually....

To be continued

Stay tuned for next

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