Chapter 5

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Avu went home and barged into her room and locked it.
Her mom kept calling her but she didn't responded.
AM: Avu beta please open the door.
She was at verge of crying. Finally Avu spoke.
Avu: Ma I don't wanna talk to anyone. Please leave me alone for sometime
AM: But beta...
Her dad came and kept a hand on her shoulder.
AD: Give her some time. She will be alright
AM nodded her head.
AM: Beta take care of yourself
They both left.

Avu's P.O.V.
Yaar I am feeling so guilty now. Why I shouted at Lucky. He toh risked his life to save me. He must be angry on me. I must call him and apologize. But wait what if he doesn't forgive me? I will call her. She will definitely help me.
P.O.V. ends

Avu calls sm1.
On call
Avu: Hi Reem
Reem: (overexcited) Oh finally you remembered that I exist in this world. Why were you not calling me from so many days? Tell me. Array say fast
Avu: (in mind) Aghhh this crazy girl. She can never change
Avu: Let me speak yaar
Reem: Achha ok say
Avu tells her everything about her dadi's health and her fight with Lucky.
Avu: Now I don't know will he forgive me or not
Reem: Don't worry Avu. He will understand I am sure. Apologize to him in college tomorrow
Avu: Ok. Thanks
Hangs up the call.
In Sid's office
Jai enters his cabin while Sid was lost in his thoughts. Jai calls her many times but he doesn't respond. He shakes him.
Sid: Kya hua?
Jai: I should ask this. Kidar khoe hue ho?
Sid: Jai actually in the morning a stupid girl came in front of my car and I wasn't able to stop the car
Jai: (with fear) Then?
Sid: A boy pulled her and she was safe
Jai: Hff thank God. You scared me bro
Sid: I blew horn many times but she didn't listen
Jai: Leave yaar she is alright na
He got up to pick some files.
Sid: But she was cute
Jai turned towards him shocked and rolled his eyes.
Jai: What?
Sid: N..n.nothing
Jai: (teasingly) But I heared something. Siddharth Nigam saying a girl cute. Wowww. That's new
Sid blushed a little.
Sid: Concentrate on your work Mr.
Jai: Ok ok I am going. Continue with your dreams. Cya at lunchtime. Bye

To be continued

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