Chapter 2

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*Trigger Warning*

Ava's POV

"Happy Birthday to me" I said sarcastically to myself.

There was nothing happy about my birthday. It was just another reminder to remind me that I got to live and my mom didn't. I had no one to celebrate with. I had no friends or family. I was just a girl staying in a pack surrounded by people that wanted nothing to do with her.

My life was pathetic. I was pathetic. My life was so messed up. I felt broken and dead inside like there was nothing left for me in this world, and there truly was nothing left for me.

Sometimes I felt like I didn't deserve to be alive. I know that if she was here she would comfort me and tell me it wasn't my fault. No matter how many times I tried to reassure myself that it wasn't my fault because I wasn't the one who killed her, it never seemed to make me feel any less guilty.

I shook away my depressing thoughts and thought about something positive.

I looked around the crappy space I occupied. I had a single bed pushed up in one corner of the room. The walls were stripping from not being painted in a long time. I had a full length mirror over one side and my clothes were stored in boxes.

I didn't have anything else up here, apart from all the other junk that everyone else stored up here. I was literally surrounded by old junk that crept me out at nights. I think they did it on purpose because most of the things up here didn't need to be stored.

As for showering, I used one of the bathrooms that everyone else used. I always tried to use it when no one was here.

My life sucks.

I rolled out of bed and started my day as I usually did. Today was Saturday, so everyone was here. I quickly made breakfast and later cleaned the entire house. When I say the entire house, I do mean it. I had to clean all the rooms, which was pretty awkward on my part cleaning while they watched me.

I had finally completed all my chores. Dinner wasn't on my to-do list, so I had the rest of the day to myself.

I was walking back to my room now with my head down careful not to make eye contact with anyone on the way. Just as I was about to pass my Caleb's room I heard someone mention my name.

I stopped outside his slightly ajar door to hear what they were saying. I went up to the door and listened intently. I know that it was rude to eavesdrop, but at the same time I was curious to know what they were saying about me.

"Tonight, I'm going to fuck her tonight and when I'm done, she's all yours." I heard Josh say.

"I don't mind tapping that ass" another voice says.

"We could make this even more interesting and each have our turn with her all at once" someone suggested.

"You watch way too much porn" another voice said laughing.

"Oh come one, let a dude live out his dreams" the voice from before complained.

"Your dream is to have a gangbang with one girl and all your friends?" a voice asked in disbelief.

"I don't see why the hell not?" he laughed.

"It could be fun" someone else suggested.

"Guys chill out. We'll all get our turn" Josh said.

"If she won't give in willingly, then we'll have to take what we want" Josh continued with a laugh.

I covered my mouth in shock after I heard what they were planning. They were all planning to have their way with me. I knew I couldn't fight all of them off at once, nor could I fight off one of them.

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