Chapter 3

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Ava's POV

"What?" I asked coming out of my daze as his words registered in my brain.

"I am not yours. Get the hell off me, you perv" I said trying to shove him off me.

This seemed to anger him, because before I knew it he pinned my hands above my head. He gave me a murderous glare and spoke again.

"You are MINE! Whether you like it or not... Mate" he gritted out in annoyance.

I froze when he said the word 'mate'. He was my mate? I was his mate? Now it was starting to make sense.

I knew that there was something familiar about him, and also the fact that I felt safe and warm in his arms. His smell was intoxicating and addicting. He smelt like the woods, with a bit of vanilla.

If his smell and comfort wasn't enough, then the sparks that shot up my arms, where he was holding me should be enough proof. I felt a warm tingly sensation in the pit of my stomach as a shiver went up my spine. There was a voice inside my head chanting the word 'mate'. It was faint, but it was still there which means that my wolf was slowly coming out of its hiding place.

The mate bond was pulling me towards him, sucking me in as I got lost in his eyes once more. But there was something about him that sent chills up my spine. He seemed cold and distant, and screamed danger.

He was still very naked on top of me. Mate or not, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I've never seen a naked man before and I wasn't planning on making today that day.

"Umm..." I said shifting uncomfortably under him.

I think he got the message, because he immediately got off me and threw on shorts. I averted my eyes as he got dressed, but I was able to catch a glimpse of his ass before I turned my face away.

He had a nice ass.

I blush a little as I thought about the unholy thoughts running through my mind. I've never had this sort of reaction to anyone, but right now I was thinking of all the sinful things I wanted him to do as I watched his back muscles flex.

"Let's go" he said walking away from me.

I was still on the ground that he pushed me on. He didn't even have the decency to help me up as he took long strides ahead. I sat on the ground dumbfounded with my mouth slightly ajar as I walked his retreating figure.

"I am not going anywhere with you" I called out, refusing to follow behind him. He was a complete stranger to me, mate or not.

"Don't make me have to repeat myself" he gritted out, obviously trying to hold back his anger.

"I said I'm not going anywhere with you" I stood my ground narrowing my eyes at him defiantly.

There was also another man with him. They stood a few feet away from me and exchanged a few words, before he turned back his attention to me. His eyes were switching from blue to gold, indicating that he was having a mental battle with his wolf.

After a few seconds, his eyes switched back to blue and he marched over to me. I began scrambling away from him as he wore a pissed off expression directed at me. He got to me in no time and took me up off the ground effortlessly and threw me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing? Put me down now you-you-you-" I said pounding my hands on his perfectly sculpted back. To be honest this was hurting me more than it was hurting him. I stopped pounding on his back and massaged my hands.

"Cat got your tongue, sweetheart" he teased.

"Don't call me that! I am not your sweetheart" I snapped.

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