Chapter 6

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Ava's POV

We were now all alone in the room. He studied me with his eyes as he took in every feature of my wolf. He took a step forward and my wolf backed away.

Wait what?

'I thought you were excited to meet our mate' I said in my mind, as I talked to my wolf.

'He cheated on us!' she answered with a huff.

I didn't bother saying anything else because I knew we were both hurt from what that red haired bitch, Stella had said earlier. I don't know if what she said was true or if she was trying to get under my skin, but it was working.

When I had hit her, I was shocked at first, but that shock soon turned into rage as I took out my frustration on her. I think that I was finally tired of people always walking over me and telling me how weak and pathetic I was.

I didn't want my mate to think that I was weak, and I also wanted to prove her wrong. I wasn't sure what the consequences would be, but at this point there was nothing that anyone would do to me that I haven't experienced already.

Plus it was a good thing the alpha was away or else I'd be six feet under by now. Attacking one of his pack members would surely sign my death warrant.

I looked at him through my wolf's eyes to see him with what looked like sadness in his eyes before he masked it with a cold stare.

"Change" he ordered in an authoritative voice, throwing a blanket over my wolf.

I could feel the power radiating from his voice as I slowly started to change back to my human form. I lay on the ground with the blanket covering my naked body. I took a look in his direction to only be met with his retreating figure as he walked out the room.

Not too long after did Katie join me back in the room. I was a trembling mess as I collapse on the floor. My body felt weak and exhausted from the change and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep, so that's exactly what I did.

I woke up to bright light shining on my face. I groaned and rolled over on the bed that I was sleeping on.

Wait bed?

How did I?

What happened?

As my mind kept on racing creating scenario after scenario of where I might be, I quickly shot up in bed and opened my eyes. It took a while for me to adjust to the brightly lit room, because the drapes were open and the sunlight peeking through the windows.

Blinking a few to times to get rid of the sleep, I focused on my surrounds. Taking my time to look around the room, I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that I was in 'his' room.

To be honest, I thought yesterday never happened. So many things happened yesterday that I actually thought that I was dreaming. There was just no way that I met my mate. I still couldn't believe that I got in a fight on my first day in this pack, healed a boy and had my first wolf transformation.

It all felt surreal. There was no way that all those things happened.

'Ahem', I heard a voice say in my head.

'Oh My God!' I squealed in happiness.

My wolf, Alana just rolled her eyes at me for acting so childish. But I couldn't help it. I never thought that I would meet her again. I never thought that I would ever be able to shift into a wolf after she had stop communicating with me.

'I'm sorry', I cried feeling guilty for everything that I had put her through, that I had put us through.

'It's ok. It's not your fault that you were a spineless idiot', she said in soothing voice.

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