Chapter 12

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Ava's POV

Opening my eyes I let out a tired yawn and stretched out my sore limbs. I rolled over on my back and thought back to what happened last night. I was beyond exhausted from all the events from last night. I checked the time on the alarm clock and was shocked on what it read.

It was 3 pm in the evening. I couldn't believe that I had managed to sleep through the day and still woke up feeling exhausted. I was feeling a lot better, no thanks to Jayden.

Slowly all the events of last night came rushing back to me and I couldn't help but feel sad. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.

After I had confirmed to Jayden that I wanted to have sex, he left. That asshole left me in pain. That was rejection on a different level. I was now more than a hundred percent sure that he wasn't attracted to me, he didn't want me.

I was somehow not good enough for him. This matter did not sit well with my wolf. In fact, she wasn't handling the rejection as well as I was.

There was nothing I could do or say to make her feel better. I felt helpless knowing that she was suffering and there was nothing that I could do to comfort her.

The only reason why I wasn't writhing in pain right now was all thanks to the pack witch. She had concocted a potion to ease the pain, which has now faded into a dull ache.

I felt embarrassed to leave the room knowing that everyone was well aware of what had happened last night. They knew that their alpha had refused their Luna and I didn't want to face them and be on the receiving end of their pitiful looks.

I didn't want to stay inside and wallow in self-pity. I wanted to go outside and pretend like nothing had happened, but that was impossible.

There was a knock on the door, but I didn't have the energy or will to get up and see who it was. I decided to ignore whoever was on the other side.

"Hey, are you ok?" Katie asked carefully.

"Just peachy" I replied sarcastically. I knew that she didn't do anything wrong, but I was in a sour mood.

"Look, I know that you're hurting right now, but things will get better" she tried and failed miserably to reassure me.

I remained quiet not really sure what to say.

"He isn't all that bad" she continued.

I wanted to laugh in her face. It's clear that we both knew two different persons.

"Really, I had no idea" I deadpanned.

"He wasn't always like this, but something bad happened when he was younger. I don't know for sure what happened, but whatever it was it changed him and that's why he's like this" at hearing this I immediately perked up.

"What happened?" I asked intrigued.

"I don't know the details; all I know is that he had his heart broken by someone he loved in his past. The person had betrayed him and the pack. I think that's why he's keeping you at arms length because he thinks that you'll do the same" she explained.

"So he refuses to be with me because someone who wasn't his mate broke his heart, and instead stuffs his junk where it doesn't belong" I concluded.

"I'm sure it didn't mean anything"

"Which part?" I asked sarcastically. She let out an exasperated sigh when she realized that there was no way that I was letting her win this argument.

"Look, I get that he's your alpha and that you'll always have the highest of respect for him, but for me he's an asshole. He has made it clear on several occasions that I am not wanted here and frankly I don't want to stay here and be reminded of his rejection"

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