Chapter 5

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Ava's POV

"I need some space" I said trying to back everyone up off me so that I could heal the child.

They took steps back away from me and I checked the boy to see how badly wounded he was. I let out a horrified gasp as I took in the child's appearance. It was a nasty bite at the left side of his hip. There was even a chunk of flesh missing from there.

Quickly springing into action, I covered his wound with both my hands and took deep breaths in. I closed my eyes as I tried to focus my powers on healing the boy. I felt a warm tingly feeling in my hands as my skin burned, not in a way that it hurt.

I opened my eyes and watched as a yellow glow shone from under my hands and onto the boy. Looking at my hands I could see the gold swirls in my hands as the power flowed out of me and into the boy. I took a look at the boy's skin and saw that the wound was slowly closing up.

It was working.

I was shock and amazed at the same time. I wasn't sure that it would work, since I haven't healed anyone since I was like six years old. At the time I was frightened and scared when I had healed Caleb by accident. Ever since then I have only healed myself, until now.

I looked at the boy's innocent face, to see it no longer contorted in pain. He looked relaxed, like one would when in a deep sleep.

I was so focused on the boy that I didn't even realize what was happening. The power was slowly draining the life from me as it healed the boy. I tried to stop, but it just wouldn't let me. It was like my hands were glued to his hip even after he was now fully healed.

I tried pulling away again, but the power only flowed stronger. All my energy was drained and I was slowly losing consciousness. There were black dots forming in front of my eyes as my life slowly slipped away.

At the point when I thought I would have died, hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me from the boy. We broke apart and a surge of energy was released from being abruptly pulled away from the boy.

The energy pushed us all away and we all landed on the ground. I landed on top of someone who held me securely in their arms. After that I didn't remember much as my vision became blurry and I welcomed the darkness with open arms.

I was standing in a space of white mass. There was nothing or no one here, but me. I looked around me only to be met with white. It was like standing in the space between life and death. Did this mean that I died or was I hallucinating?

I looked down and realized that I was wearing a long white gown. I looked back up and saw a woman before me also wearing a long white gown. She looked like an angel as she glowed, literally.

"Hello Ava" she greeted with a kind smile and a bow.

"We have been expecting you" she continued.

"What is this place? Why am I here? What happened-" I fired question after question before she stopped me.

"You are stuck between life and death. This place is where those who are worthy of a second chance come. I would normally send you back after I have explained your purpose for living" she explained.

"Um... ok" I voiced unsure.

"You aren't dead. Your body is just unresponsive right now as if you were in a deep sleep that you can't wake up from" she continued to explain. I nodded my head, even though I didn't quite understand what she was getting at.

"I'm guessing that the power inside you almost killed you" she said it as more of a statement then a question.

"How did you know?"

"I know all things. You aren't the first of your kind to go through something like this" she said with a gentle smile.

"What am I?"

"You are an angel, capable of good and evil. Angel's like you are born every hundred years. Your purpose on earth is to bring peace to all. From what I have seen, you seem to be a very pure being, but at the same time there is a darkness swallowing you whole. You must never succumb to your dark side or else you could be the end of all living things" she explained.

"An angel?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes. That's the reason why you're wolf is white, it represents you're angel side. You are the only white wolf in the entire world"

"I have never seen my wolf" I mumbled.

"Oh. Let me help you with that" she smiled once more and took a step forward. She touched my forehead and then I heard a voice in my head.

It was my wolf.

"Now remember Ava, you are no longer at that awful pack with those awful people. You shouldn't blame yourself for your mother's death. The sooner you accept this; you will gain complete control over your powers. I wish you all the best" she gave me a hug and disappeared.

I slowly blink open my eyes, only to be met with warm honey brown ones staring back at me with worry.

"Oh my god, you scared the hell out of me" Katie said embracing me in a warm hug.

"Sorry" I smiled sheepishly.

"We almost thought that you had died" she said staring at me with concern.

"I'm fine"

I did feel fine. In fact, I felt better than I have ever felt in my entire life. I felt alive, like there was finally something to live for. I felt like my life now had purpose and meaning, and it did.

It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder as I no longer felt responsible for the death of my mother. I had to stop blaming myself for something I didn't do. I never want to be the reason why this world comes to an end.

I looked around the room in search of him and was disappointed when he was nowhere to be found. I frowned and turned my attention back on Katie.

"So what happen-" she started, but was cut off with a gut wrenching scream.

I heard it again and soon realized that it was coming from me. I curled up in a fetal position trembling in pain. I have never felt pain like this before and I had no idea what was happening.

"Ava, are you ok?" Katie asked. That must have been a rhetorical question, because I'm sure she can see that I was nowhere near ok.

Another scream passed my lips as I fell off the bed and on the ground. I got up on my hands on knees as the bones in my body snapped painfully.

Bones snapping and excruciating pain? This must mean that I was turning for the first time. I always heard that it was painful, but never in a million years did I imagine it to feel anything like this.

My bones snapped as they relocated to accommodate my wolf. I could feel the fur sprouting from my skin and my nose transforming into a snout.

It didn't take too long for me to stand up on all fours as I towered over a frightened Katie. I stretched out a paw and looked at my white fur.

I looked back at Katie and tilted my head to the side. I whine and sat on the ground with my tongue hanging from my mouth. She walked over to me slowly and ran her hands through my fur. I purred in delight and she smiled at me.

"What's the emergency?" I heard a voice ask.

I looked at the man that I had seen before with my mate. He looked at me shell-shocked, with his mouth slightly agape. I was a huge wolf, probably the same height as he was standing before me.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Katie said.

Not long after someone else entered the room. This time it was my mate. He looked a bit surprised, but it only lasted for a second.

He walked up to me and my wolf purred in delight of being in the presence of our mate. She was even more excited than I was.

"Everyone, leave" he commanded and they left the room immediately.


I really have nothing to say other than thanks for reading:)

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