Chapter 13

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Ava's POV

'Wake up' I heard someone call out from a distance.

'Wake up sweetheart' I heard someone call out again.

I desperately tried to open my eyes, but failed at each attempt. It shouldn't be so hard to open my eyes, but somehow my eyes felt like they weighed a ton. I tried again and gave up when I realized that they weren't going to budge.

I heard mumbles and whispers in the distance, but was unable to make out a single word that they were saying. I could hear shuffling and then the next thing I know is that I was drenched from head to toe in ice cold water.

My eyes immediately flew open as soon as the cold water came in contact with my skin. I tried to move, only to realize that my hands and feet were bound to chains.

I began panicking and quickly scanned the area, and was met with four men. The one closest to me clapped his hand and smirked.

"Finally, you're awake. I didn't think that the drug we used was that strong for someone like you. I guess you are as weak as everyone let on. It's a shame though" he sighed with a frown.

Ignoring him, I looked at my hands that were chained to the ceiling. I looked down and saw that my feet were also chained to the ground.

"Those are for security measures" the man spoke up again gesturing to the chains.

"Where am I?" I asked shivering from the cold.

"How rude of me" the man said in mock disappointment.

"Welcome to the Red Stone pack. I'm Zayn, the leader of the pack, or you can just refer to me as the alpha" he announced with a proud smile on his face.

I've heard of this pack before. It wasn't like the conventional packs, this pack was made up of rogues who decided to join forces and become powerful in numbers.

"Why am I here?" I asked with my teeth chattering.

"I have been paid a hefty bounty to find you. Imagine my surprise when you walked right into our arms, sparing us all the bloodshed and unnecessary work. You truly are a saint, aren't you?" he smiled and walked closer to me.

"I'm starting wonder why I don't just keep you all for myself" he whispered huskily.

He ran a hand along my jawline and I hissed in pain retracting from his hand. He frowned at me before he raised a hand and slapped me across the face.

"For an angel, you sure are weak and pathetic. No wonder you're own mate doesn't want anything to do with you. I don't even know why the guy that paid us wants you in the first place" he spat at me and walked out of the room.

"You're lucky he wants you untouched and alive" one of the other men in the room mumbled.

The all left the room and slammed the door shut behind them. After all those training session and I still couldn't defend myself. I truly was weak and pathetic. How was I supposed to save everyone, when I couldn't even save myself from a bunch of wolves?

Tears blurred my visions as I cried like the pathetic person that everyone said I was. I couldn't use my powers because my hands were chained, so all that was left to do was stand here and shiver from the cold, and await my impeding faith.

I had no idea who would pay someone to find me. The worst part of all this was that there would be no one here to rescue me. I doubt that anyone even realized that I was gone and if they did, they probably didn't care.

That little red headed demon had brainwashed them into thinking that I was a bad person. She made it look like I was only there for the status and power, when she was the only power thirsty bitch. I don't usually use such words to describe a person, but I couldn't find any other word to fit her description.

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