Chapter :Nine

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 Beam walks towards a coffee shop.  For some reason, since last night, Paris stopped bothering him.  So he decided to meet Earth this morning.  Earth and He has an agreement.  If Beam cannot contact Earth, they will meet at this Coffee Shop.

 Earth smiled broadly when he saw Beam enter the coffee shop.  Even if Beam covered half of his face with an cap Earth  could easily recognize him.  Earth walked to the cashier and queued behind Beam

 "Hi," he whispered happily to Beam.

 He had been waiting for Beam for a long time.  He was worried about the changes in the Jamornhum family.  And not getting word from Beam makes him even more stressed.

 Beam chuckled at Earth's happy face "Do you miss me that much?"  he whispered without looking at Earth.

 Earth can only bite hid lower lip so he doesn't laugh out loud.  He was glad Beam didn't lose his sense of humor.

 "Congratulations on your promotion," mocked Earth.

 Beam shook his head "Suicide work" he said "Remind me to take a long vacation after this" he added.

 "Maybe we can go on a vacation together. Maldives " bargained Earth.

 Beam chuckled again.  They had long planned a vacation but none of them were realized.  They love their work more than anything.

 "Anything else, sir?"  the cashier asked Beam.  Beam wanted to buy time, so he surveyed the food provided at the storefront.

 "Almond Croisant," pleaded Beam.

 When the cashier picks up and prepares food, Earth approaches Beam again.

 "Any new news?"  Beam asked.

 "The Narcotics Criminal Director knows about your disguise, "said Earth. Earth's information made Beam turn around and look at Earth in surprise. But Earth turned its face away.

 "Shit. How did Prem get involved?"  he whispered.

 "The boss cannot hide your identity from him. Besides, they are also investigating the Jamornhum family. Not many people know about you but Mr. Prem and your father have been friends for a long time. When news about you spread among the division heads, with one look he knew that it was  you. We have no other way but to reveal our plan "

 Beam sighed "Who else knows?"  he asked worried.  He and Earth have been part of Interpol since it was first placed.  Their duties are largely confidential.  Apart from his classmates, division friends, and his father's friends, not many people knew Beam in the police.

 "Bobby," answered Earth.

 Beam sighed.  He, Earth and Bobby often do joint missions.  Earth wants to say something but the cashier has returned with Beam's order.

 "All 275 bath. Is there anything else you want to add, sir?"  the cashier said to Beam.  Beam shook his head.  He took out money from his wallet and took his order.  When he was about to leave he accidentally crashed into Earth's shoulder, making the documents he was holding and Earth scattered on the floor.

 "Sorry," Beam said, trying to collect the documents.  Earth smiled.  He helped Beam with their documents.

 "No problem," answered Earth, smiling faintly.

 Nobody noticed that they exchanged documents.  Beam accepts Earth documents and vice versa.  Beam hurriedly left the coffee shop after receiving documents from Earth.  Beam walked back to his apartment.  

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