Chapter : Ten

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"We have to talk, about Beam" 

 Paris was drinking with Moon when he received Phana's message.

 "What?"  asked Moon curiously as Paris's cold face turned sour.  Paris pulled his cellphone away from Moon's reach.

 "Phana?"  guessed Moon.  The only barrier between him and Paris is Phana.  Paris gulps down the whiskey in his glass without answering Moon's question.  He placed the empty whiskey glass on the table and climbed down from the barstool.

 "Where are you going? You won't stay at my place tonight?"  asked Moon, holding Paris' arm.  Paris stopped and looked at Moon sharply

 "I've done my part. I'm waiting for you to do your part," Paris whispered, releasing his hand from Moon's grasp.  Moon could only stare at Paris leaving without being able to do anything.  He knew, sooner or later Paris would come to him.


 Paris walked while saying good morning to the employees who he passed one by one.  All employees in the office know Paris.  Phana's right hand is handsome but always cold-faced.  Paris is more often seen with Phana than Phana with his husband wayo.

 Paris opened Phana's office and turned on the air conditioner of the room.  His routine every morning ensures that Phana's office looks clean and fresh.  He also bought coffee and breakfast for Phana.  Paris placed the breakfast on Phana's table.  He then reads Phana's e-mail and prints and places important e-mails on the table.

 "Morning Paris," said Phana right when Paris placed the email on Phana's desk. "It's good to see you back here," Phana said, smiling broadly.

 Paris just nodded.  Phana put his jacket on his office chair and walked toward Paris with coffee in his hand.

 "I have a lot of agendas today, how about we start our conversation," Phana offered, pointing Paris to the sofa in his study.  Paris said nothing and followed Phana.  He sat next to Phana.

 "Did Beam say something?"  asked Paris.

 Phana looked closely at Paris.  Paris asked with a dry face.  It's hard to guess what is in Paris mind.  Phana hurriedly shook his head.  The thing he didn't want the most was to get Paris to betray him.

 "Beam didn't say anything. I asked you to come to say that you don't need to watch Beam anymore."

 Paris raised an eyebrow.  Phana leaned his shoulders and took a sip of coffee. "I need you," Phana added, looking at Paris seriously.  Phana is very familiar with Paris.  Phana really knows how to deal with it.

 "Making you watch Beam is a bad choice. I lost the person who understands me the most. I will ask Ming to watch Beam," he suggested.

 Paris seems to disagree "Ming is too soft"

 Phana was silent.  He was annoyed to hear the criticism of Paris but he did not want to start a fight "Then you can propose your replacement. As long as you come back to me" pleaded Phana.  Anyone can watch Beam as long as it's not Paris.  Phana can see that Paris hasn't liked Beam since Beam joined them.  If he  left unchecked, he might lose one of them.  Although actually it will be interesting to see who can win between the two.

 "I'll take care of it," Paris answered finally.  Phana breathed a sigh of relief and patted Paris on the shoulder

 "Good. Do it as soon as possible," Phana said.  Paris nodded.  They talked about business just before Paris finally left Phana's office.  Paris sat in his chair and pulled out his cellphone.  He had to find a replacement for him to watch Beam.

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