Pride & Punishment

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Jeninne had a land speeder to take you to the casino

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Jeninne had a land speeder to take you to the casino. Kylo had raised his eyebrow at it but the seamstress cut him off with a - 'it's not like your friends with anyone else here'- which seemed to push Kylo into submission.

Kylo didn't talk for most of the drive. He did, however, hold your hand in a soft touch, rubbing his thumb over the back of it.

You turned to him, the air whipping at your face and held out both your hands. Cusped together like you were holding a bowl.

"What?" he said.

"Money" you made a gimme gesture with your fingers "- we can't go to a casino and not gamble. That's ridiculous. It'll help me become my character" your childish display has his lips turning up at the edges, his hands coming up to close yours like a bad book.


You pouted in the hope that he might fall for it, "What? Why?"

"I've already lost money because of you" he says, as though one waitresses tip and a few outfits bankrupt him.

"but you're basically made of credits-" you pull his hands to yours "-please" you emphasize the 'e' until he sighs, placing his hand on your palm. You put your head in his hand, looking up at him with a look you hope is pitiful and cute at the same time. "You said you wanted me to blend in!"

"Don't lose it all"

You smile, "No promises"

Except these weren't credits.

He hands you three fat coins, each decorated with a moon.

"What are these?"

"Cantocoins. While you were getting dressed, I had one of Jennine's workers transfer some credits into this currency-" he picks up a bronze one and turns it in his fingers "-they are used to bet in the casino. Only the casino and I was going to use them to bribe our guest if needed...but..." he trails off.

"Huh" you say, you and Levi didn't bet when you were here.

He places the coin back into your hand.

He lets out a long-suffering sigh. "We should get you some books. There's a lot you don't know about. Currency, politics, languages-"you huff, causing Jeninne to stifle a laugh in the drives seat "-etiquette" his voice littered with sweet amusement.

"Something wrong with my etiquette?"

"Do not ask me questions you don't want the answer to"

A part of you wanted to make him answer it. He'd get a far more colourful reply.

"I'll get you some" at your raised eyebrow he seems to hunt for some more words "-proper texts-" he gives you a small bag to put the coins away, you hadn't even realised you been flipping them over with a nervous twitch "-back on the Finalizer"

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