The Drunk Night

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Minhyun gags for the fifth time, his head about to fall into the toilet bowl. He tries, and tries, but nothing's coming out after the first time. He's feeling more terrible each try and starting to taste the stomach acid filling his mouth.

"Fuck, I might die here," he curses, sitting right next to the toilet bowl, groaning in agony.

He regrets taking the drink for his secretary at the party earlier, since he saw her hesitating when the other colleagues offered her one. As the CEO of the company, maintaining a gentleman image is a must. Despite having extremely low alcohol tolerance, he still forced himself to empty the glass.

But guess what, fuck. His secretary ended up drinking more than him, and was still wide awake and well when Minhyun's already seeing stars.

It was after that that his secretary secretly whispered to him, that she hesitated because they offered her beer, which she didn't like, and not because she couldn't take it.

Minhyun swears, he's feeling more embarassed than sick.

Minhyun slowly pulls himself up while holding the walls of the cubicle. His legs are weak, his head is heavy, and his stomach is churning like crazy. He feels himself losing every bit of energy in him along with spinning vision, that eventually causes him to collapse midway.

He falls, but a tight grip around his arm and waist stops him from the impact with the ground.

"Hey, are you okay? Can you stand?" a voice concernedly asks.

Minhyun can't seem to find strength to open his mouth and speak, so he shakes his head desperately, hoping the person understands him.

He gets the signal and carefully sits Minhyun down outside the cubicle, at least making sure he's sitting up straight and getting decent air (because the cubicle now stinks).

The other person must have noticed the fact that Minhyun is in his business suit, although his tie is already loosened and his shirt is messily tucked out.

"You're here with your colleagues? Should I call them?" the voice softly asks. Even when drunk and sick, Minhyun can't help but to catch how calming and assuring the voice is. But he's kinda attracted to it.

"Can you.. send me home?" Minhyun abruptly says, not realizing how stupid he sounds by asking a stranger to send him home.

Minhyun's eyes are half opened, but he can see the person lowering his head in hesitation at his sudden request. Of course, who would instantly agree to such thing?

"Urgh.." the discomfort hits Minhyun again as he clutches on his stomach.

It's the wrong timing, but Minhyun suddenly feels the urge to vomit. Everything is rushing up from his stomach at once, he couldn't control himself.

He did, and passed out the next moment.

That's for sure, the last thing he would remember when he's sober.

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