-7 (part 1)-

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Sarah's POV
22th August 2007

Me and Matt decided we should go on a date next Friday instead because he is going away with his family till the 29th to Italy. I was fine with that. My brothers and sister were teasing me about it.

Phil and Julie sang "Sarah has a boyfriend" around the house. James joined in. It was so annoying all you can hear was "Sarah has a boyfriend". I ignored them all day and finally they stopped after dad told them to.

I was in my room listening to the radio then the radio presenter said Mötley Crüe is doing a concert in Dublin on the 31st, I screamed and jumped. Dad came in a few seconds later.

"Are you ok?, I heard you scream" dad asked.

"I'm fine, I just got excited because Mötley Crüe is doing a concert next Friday in Dublin" I said.

"Oh ok, do you want to go?" He asked I literally wanted to scream again.

"Yes I want to go, but I can't the tickets would be expensive," I replied.

"Well maybe me and your mom will get them for you and Matt, how about that? I can drop you two off at the concert" Dad asked and I got so excited.

"Yes please!" I happily squealed.

"Ok, I'll see what I can do," he said, leaving my room I was so happy after, then somehow I feel asleep.

The next few days went by and it was the day Matt was coming back from his holiday. I haven't been making videos on YouTube since the day I found out that I was adopted. Mom and dad got me and Matt tickets to the Mötley Crüe concert. I was so happy and I kept thanking them.

I was asleep, the doorbell rang so I went down to go and answer it. 'Who the hell is at the door at 8am'. I opened it was Matt.

"Hi Sarah Lou Lou" Matt screamed.

"Don't call me that only my mom calls me that" I said slapping him playfully on the arm.

He came into the house and hugged me tightly. I smiled and told him that he was hugging me tight and that I couldn't breathe. He let go of me and smiled.

"I missed you," he admitted. I smiled. He knew that I missed him because he called me everyday he was away. I went to the kitchen for coffee, making him one as well.

"So about our date we are going on a double date" he announced.

"With who?" I asked.

"My friend Manuel and Abbie," he replied. 'Who the hell is Manuel' I thought.

"Oh ok" I said stirring the cups of coffee. He came behind me and hugged me from behind.

"Coffee is ready," I said. We drank our coffee and talked about Matt's trip to Italy.

Everyone came downstairs a few hours later, dad was talking to Matt about something. Me and Julie were in the kitchen making lunch for everyone except me and Matt. We made ham & cheese sandwiches for her and Phil, salad sandwiches for the rest of the family. Me and Matt went to supermacs for lunch.

"Matt, hey" a boy that had black hair came over to us and sat next to him.

"Hey Manuel" 'oh so this is Manuel'. Matt went to go and order our food.

"You're Sarah right?" Manuel asked and I nodded. Me and Manuel talked about Mötley Crüe and I found out we had a lot in common. Matt came back with our food and Manuel stayed.

"So we are going to the Mötley Crüe concert on Friday? Because I already got mine and Abbie's tickets" Manuel asked.

"Yeah my dad got me and Matt tickets to go" I told him. Me and Matt ate out food, Manuel kept taking Matt's chips. They both kept talking about football, I zoned out. After eating our food me and Matt went to the cinema.

A few hours later.....
It was 9pm, Matt walked me home and he held my hand and I felt so happy to be with him. When we reached my house, I hugged him and he kissed my head.

"I'll text you tomorrow" he winked.

When I got in my house, Julie, Phil and James were looking out the window like they were watching me and Matt.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" they all turned around.

"Nothing" they all said in unison. I went to bed shortly after coming home. I looked at my camera and sighed. I wanted to do a video so I took my shoes off and picked my guitar up and I sat on my bed. I pressed play on the camera and started playing Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi. I sang and played my guitar. I finally finished the song and pressed stopped on the camera. I decided I would edit the video tomorrow.

The next day I edited my video and then uploaded it to YouTube. The video got a lot of positive feedback. The rest of the day I was editing more videos with my sister Julie.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" she asked. I looked up from my computer.

"Yes" I squealed. Julie got up and turned on the CD player. She then picked a CD and put it in the CD player. When the music came on it was Mötley Crüe's album Shout At The Devil. I smiled.

We listened to music for the rest of the day. We both went to bed shortly after. I was lying in my bed reading a book when my phone went off, I looked at it and saw a message from Matt.

Matt: Hey sorry I didn't text you I was busy helping my dad fix the damn car. Sorry if I woke you.

Me: hey Matt it's ok and you didn't wake me up. How are you?

Matt: I'm good, just missing you. How are you?

Me: I'm good also, how can you miss me you saw me yesterday.

Matt: I just miss you.

Me: aw you're so sweet. I'm so excited for tomorrow.

Matt: me too, I can't believe we are going to a Mötley Crüe concert.

Me: yeah I know. I'm going to go to sleep now, just wish you were here to hold me.

Matt: I wish I was there to hold you too. Goodnight beautiful.

Me: Goodnight Matt see you tomorrow when dad picks you up.

Matt: yeah I'll see you tomorrow.

I went to sleep shortly after texting Matt.

Nikki's POV

We arrived in Ireland the day before the concert and we stayed at a hotel in Dublin. Tommy kept ordering room service all day and flirting with every girl he saw. Vince was giving out to Tommy. Mick was his usual self. I however kept thinking about tomorrow. Vince sat down beside me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Sarah" I replied. "How do we know she'll be there tomorrow". I continued.

"Stop thinking like that Sixx" Mick said. Tommy picked up the phone to ring room service but Mick snatched the phone off him.

"Mick, I want some food. I'm hungry" Tommy whined.

"You already called them and had food," I said.

"I'm going to bed" Mick announced then he left. I got up and told Tommy and Vince I'm going to bed.

I laid on my bed and tried to sleep but eventually I fell asleep.

Nikki Sixx's Daughter | Book 1 Of The Nikki Sixx's Daughter Series {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now