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A/N This is an Omegaverse. But you already knew that. In this story, each person has a cat form and a human form. However in the human form, they still have their cat ears and tail.
Alphas release a scent that is the same as their mates, and when they meet and fall in love their cat ears will perk up, as they are folded down until they meet each other.
Gray POV

"All right, who's on the next patrol with me?" I asked my pack. I am the alpha, but my ears are still folded, which was unusual for an alpha.

"I think it's me, Erza, and Lucy." A little blue cat mewed. "Carla is coming with me though."

"Ok Happy, that works, go get ready and meet me in the common area by the time the sun rises." I say, as I look at Happy's cute lil face. "Come on Carla!" She sighed and muttered to herself.

Carla and Happy were Mates, and both were surprised by it. Happy was super- well happy about it, but Carla was still in denial.

"But Grayyyyyy!" A specific voice caught my ear and I winced. "Why are you going without meeeeeee" Juvia was in her human form, and she picked me up (I was in cat form).

"Because you are gonna stay best and keep an eye on Wendy and Romeo." I growled. "Now put me down!"

Juvia didn't listen so I bit her. "I said put me down!" I fell to the ground and landed gracefully. "Patrol, let's head out! Elf man, don't let watergirl out of your sight!"

Elfman nodded and I left with my patrol.

"We are gonna patrol the East side of our territory, I've spotted some activity over there yesterday.

"What kind of activity?" Erza asked. "Should we be concerned?"

"I don't think so, I think it's just some strays." I replied, I heard a bristle coming from behind me. I signal with my tail for the others to stay back as I approached the sound.

I snuck near the bush and grabbed a branch with my teeth. I pulled it out of the way and saw a scrawny red and pink cat curled in a ball in fear.

I called to my patrol and they came running. The little ball of fluff was shaking.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked the very malnourished cat. "You're safe, my name is Gray and I am the Alpha of the FairyTail pack."

He sat up and opened his mouth to speak.

"H-Hi. M-My name is N-Nats—-" He fell over and passed out, revealing a deep wound on his belly.

"Erza! We have a situation, I need gauze ASAP! We have no clue how long he's been out here but he's in bad shape!"


Erza was in her human form, in a nurses outfit. She pulled a roll of gauze from her pocket and wrapped Natsu's belly in it. She then picked him up and ran back to the pack camp.

"I need a healer now!" Erza yelled as she set down the poor little cat and reverted back to cat form.

Just you and me 💋 Gratsu Natsu x Gray Omegaverse Yaoi Where stories live. Discover now