It is impossible to be nice and pleasant all the time. You cannot always be happy or smooth. nothing worth pursuing is ever easy, or works out perfectly.
It's effort that counts.
Nobody is perfect and no relationship or friendship is ever perfect. It takes work, and nobody is ever always a perfectly pretty sight, and sometimes you see how ugly people can be. The cowardly run after seeing this, not realizing that they are ugly and flawed too. They have some parts too, that are hard to love.
I think that a lot of people who have strong ties, thinking it's perfect, often forget that nobody is ever perfect, and we all have rocky surfaces to encounter, and they make a bee-line for the exits when they see the slightest thing that tilts the boat.
When the boat rocks, you don't sink the ship. You adjust the sails. Like you would with a friendship, you don't throw away everything with someone worth it if the slightest thing that occurred.
What counts is when you can still survive the rocky parts and still look at the same flawed person as if they were a magnificent piece of art. It's not about being perfect, or always having everything going smoothly; its about being able to see the light through the storm. It's about appreciating when things do go smoothly so much more because you have been through the dark to know there is light behind the clouds.