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"School's ending soon. I'm so excited to be done!" Hannah exclaimed, a smile on her face. Ethan nodded in agreement. It was Saturday morning and Hannah and Ethan were in the kitchen. Lex was still fast asleep, despite Bailey trying to wake her up.

"So am I. It's going to be bittersweet, but I know we're going to have fun this summer," Ethan agreed. Hannah smiled. "But right now, it's a Saturday and Lex is finally sleeping."

"It's noon," Hannah noted.

"And that's ok. I have to do some grading soon, though," He said.

"I have a little bit of work. But I can't wait to be free from Ms. Winters!" She exclaimed, starting on her book once again.

After about an hour, Hannah broke the silence. "It's one. Do you think we should wake up Lex?" Hannah asked Ethan.

"On it," Ethan said, abandoning his papers. Bailey perked up from her bed and followed Ethan upstairs.

Ethan and Bailey made it to Lex's room at the same time. "Sit," he told Bailey. Obediently, she sat down as Ethan opened the door. Lex was still sleeping peacefully. It hurt him to do this, but he didn't need her staying up until three in the morning. "Good morning, Lex."

"No," Lex groaned, covering herself with her comforter.

"It's one in the afternoon. If you don't wake up, I'll have Bailey jump," he said. Bailey, having heard her name and jump, jumped onto Lex's bed.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Lex exclaimed, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She yawned. "It can't be one right now."

"Sorry to break it to you, babe, but it's one in the afternoon. Come on, Hannah and I are downstairs," Ethan said, leaving the room. Lex put on her glasses and glanced at her phone. She didn't have any pressing notifications, so she quickly made her bed and went downstairs.

"Good afternoon!" Hannah exclaimed cheerily. Before Lex could say anything, Ethan pressed a cup of coffee into her hands. She looked down and smiled at him before taking a sip.

"Good morning," Lex replied with a smile.

"It's one in the afternoon. Are you hungry?" Ethan asked his girlfriend, who had sat down. She shook her head.

"No. I just want to sleep. I also have tomorrow off," she said.

"I know, it's the weekend. We also have to figure out what summer plans are," Ethan said. Lex perked up.

"That sounds fun. Let me finish this and then we can get going and organize everything," she said, downing her coffee.

"Lex?" Hannah asked, a little concerned. Lex took a deep breath.

"It's okay. I just burnt my throat a little bit," Lex smiled, pouring herself a glass of water.

"Okay. I'll get the big calendar and my ideal list, Lex get yours, and Hannah, get your list," Ethan said. The three sprung into action. A minute later— if not less— they all had their desired plans and four months printed on large paper. Lex crossed out the days Hannah and Ethan were at school; they had to be there those days.

"Here's your summer," Lex said. She took the red marker. "I have to be here for these adoption events with Bailey."

"Tom mentioned that he'd like us to be able to hang out these weeks," Ethan added, making a note on the calendar. Hannah seized the marker.

"I have the dentist on this day and we have to schedule something with my pediatrician so I can get my forms signed for school," Hannah said. Lex shared a quick glance with Ethan. He mouthed We'll figure it out later when she's not here. Lex responded with a curt nod. Their funds were still tight and they didn't know if they could afford it.

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