Chapter 6: Those Butt-hurt losers!

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Please! Read the note at the end of the chapter! Very important

Happy reading

 Chapter 6: Those Butt-hurt losers!


I woke up with a major headache and totally convinced that the events that had taken place the night before, were merely a weird but, must admit, very ingenious dream.

The name that popped up on the screen, along with the obnoxious ringtone my brother had set on my phone, however, told me that this was not a matter of my brain playing around in my sleep.

I wanted to swallow an entire bottle of Tylenol to make my head stop drubbing, but decided to take the phone call instead in order to make that incredibly annoying sound stop.

See, not to give my brother the taste of victory, when he pulled the ringtone prank on me, I decided to convince him that it didn't bother me by leaving it on. Truth is: it does bother me, a lot, even though I usually keep my phone on silent mode.

I pressed the answer button and felt a chill down my spine when I heard the voice of my possibly twin sister.

"Why so cheery?! How isn't this freaking you out?" I asked in answer to the happiest 'hello' I'd ever heard in my life.

"What confuses me the most is the fact that our voices sound almost exactly the same."

"Tell me about it!"

After saying this I put my phone on loudspeaker, which would have been risky if I didn't know I was home alone, and reached inside my closet for something to wear.


I pushed the door open earning a ring of the small bell placed over it.

"Good morning and welcome to our store, how can I help you?" The voice of a young assistant echoed  through the small, vintage looking store.

The girl was wearing a uniform with a name tag on her chest that read 'Sarah', she was a tall blonde girl with green eyes and looked like she was totally the 'daddy's trophy' type.

"Hi. I've been looking for a place where I can get a necklace done." I said looking over my shoulder for a split second.

"You've come to the right place... we make every kind of jewelry." She said smiling.

 "The thing is I wanted it to be made from scratch, and also to use my own stone, that's why I haven't found someone that was willing to do it." I explained.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, surprise showing in her voice. "Hold on just a second, I'll get our jewel maker."

I gave her a small nod and she went inside a door that was behind her.

For the last few weeks I've been wandering around town looking for someone that could turn a stone into a necklace.

And not just any stone. Olivia and I found it back in Italy when we were living there. There's a legend that says this rare stone used to be white, then, one night, the moon gave it its good luck turning it green.

I remember the day we found it; we were eight, a man on the street saw the stone and was really amazed because he had never seen it before. So he asked us if we wanted to know the story. Ever since that day Olivia held on to the stone like it was her most prized possession.

Now, exactly eight years later, I stole the stone from her room in order to get a necklace out of it and give it to her for our 16th birthday.

Somehow, none of the twenty people, who claim to be jewel makers, that I spoke to were willing to do it.

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