Chapter Five-Alpha

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I hope everyone is safe and healthy.  Thank you so much for reading Grimm Protector and also, thank you for your patience.  I truly appreciate every single one of you.  I am back.  My schedule is on my profile for each of my books.  The only difference is I will be releasing at night instead of morning.  If that changes, I'll let you know.  

News: I am in the final stages of editing for Sparked.  It will be entered into The Wattys 2020.  To everyone else who is entering: Good luck! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please consider voting or commenting.  I like to know if I'm on the right track and I really love to hear from you.  

-XXXX Amanda


I led Coralee to my room thankful that a house mouse had cleaned it before we arrived. I don't know why it mattered but I wanted Coralee comfortable while she was here. She shifted, her blue eyes moving over the room before settling on the single bed.

"You'll take the bed," I said, raising my brow as I sat on the couch I had set up by the window, "I'll sleep here."

She stood in the middle of the room, glancing around, her voice a whisper, "Okay," she said twisting her hands in front of her. My eyes caught on the motion and I frowned. It was something Damara used to do when nervous. It had taken years to break her from the habit. I couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before Coralee would be able to stop.

"No one will hurt you here," I said, causing her head to snap toward me, the darkness there caused my stomach to clench. What horrors had her father put her through? I knew he killed her mother but I also wondered what he had done to her.

She glanced at the closed door, "N-Not even him?"

"John?" I asked, smirking when she nodded, "Darlin' he will protect you with his life. Just make sure to tell him the truth when he asks you a question."

She chewed her bottom lip and shifted, "He seems-"

"Scary?" I asked, chuckling, "Get to know him. You'll see he's actually like a father to the group."

She winced when I said father. I took a deep breath as rage moved through me but I knew if I showed her that anger it would scare her. "Trust me." I took another deep breath. "I know you barely know me but I need for you to trust me. I need for you to believe that I won't let anyone hurt you."

Her lip trembled as she struggled with something I knew far too well as the abuses in my past moved to the forefront of my mind. I didn't know how to explain to her that I understood but I did, more than she knew. For now, I had to make sure she knew she was safe and then, maybe she wouldn't tremble more than smile. Maybe then, fear wouldn't rule her life.


A knock at the door caused Coralee to jump. I gave her what I hoped was a calming smile and put my hands out to let her know everything was still safe.

"It's my sister, Damara," I said, softly, keeping my eyes on her until she relaxed, "The ladies of the club gathered some clothes for you."

"O-Oh," she said, relaxing onto the bed where she had been sitting before Damara's arrival.

I moved to the door and opened it, finding Damara with her brow raised over grey eyes. She tucked her long, wavy, red hair behind her ear.

Grimm Protector (Book 2) The Grimm Dragons SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now