Trying to Explain the Prophecy

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Full Moon

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Full Moon

At this phase, the moon, earth and sun are aligned like the new moon, but the moon is on the other side of the earth directly opposite the sun. Thus, the entire illuminated portion can be seen on earth, full and round. The seed is at full bloom. This represents fertility, transformation, completion and abundance.

This period is called ‘waning’ because there is diminishing energy. It is an ideal time to let go of anything that doesn’t support your higher purpose, things you want to let go of, release or end. It could be anything from relationships, jobs, thoughts, to emotions.

It is a time for guidance, healing and magic. An evening before this phase can be perfect for recharging your energy. Sit outside and bask in the moonlight. Also, crystals, oracle cards, meaningful jewelry can be exposed to the moon to cleanse and charge up with the moon’s energy.

Be careful for the full moon’s downside including tension, polarity and intense thoughts and emotional behavior. Deviate that extreme energy by putting your thoughts in paper and performing a releasing ceremony.

Waning Gibbous

After maximum illumination, the light gradually decreases. During this time the moon is more than one-half but not fully illuminated, & decreasing. As the moon appears to be getting smaller, it is a good time to focus on getting rid of bad habits, stresses or negative thinking. This is also known as dissemination moon, which brings about energy for better communication, revelation and completion.

Third Quarter

In this phase, it is another “half moon” and decreasing in illumination. At this time, the seeds planted were grown and harvests reaped. It is the point where you stop, contemplate, introspect, reflect & re-evaluate for the future. There is a sense of thinking about what has been accomplished, and getting rid of the negative thoughts and energy for good in preparation for another beginning. This allows you to focus and have a higher universal perspective. This allows creativity and growth for the next stage of goals and new intentions.

Waning Crescent Moon

At this phase, the moon partly illuminated less than one-half, and decreasing until the light is completely gone and formation of new moon. It is the end for the old cycle, the start of approaching new one. It is a time to detach from the world and rest yourself. It is a time to think things over and contemplate which the things you should let go. It is a time to prepare for the start of a new beginning.

New Moon

In this phase, the moon is between earth and sun and is not visible on earth. The darkness denotes the beginning, an instinct for birthing. As a symbol, the seed is beneath the ground, representing the start of something new. At this phase, the energy builds in strength and intensity. It is the ideal time for you to set clear intentions and goals, start new projects or new ideas. One can simply write it down, or letting the universe know your goals and desires. The energy is greatly expanded when you create a ceremony or personal meditation, stating your desires with utmost enthusiasm.

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