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Zaira's POV

"No!No!Noooooooo!" I scream clutching the hem of Veer's shirt.

What's this scene?
A nightmare? An illusion?
Why isn't the scene passing away?


I feel a hand supposedly Veers reaching my shoulder in an attempt to pacify me. I push him away.

I had involuntarily dropped to my knees like my limbs were just too worn out to keep me in toes. I shut my eyes tight as if It was going to change what I saw.

Maybe it would. Maybe it would. Maybe it would.

Maybe whatever I just saw was a bad bad dream. In which Zara's eyes were half open and blood soaked her top. It was trickling down her reddened knees and legs that dangled lifelessly.S he was being dragged to a stretcher to an ambulance.

"It had to be a nightmare. It is a nightmare" I screamed as the sight remained the same with open eyes. Ved stooped down and picked me in his support. My twin sister was... Dead?

Like really dead!

Why didn't the scene vanish away. Why why why why why.

Its an illusion it would go away. Just..go away.

I hear a whimper which supposedly is mine. My cheeks are drenched by the time my lips tasted salty tears. My lips quiver as I wail. I wail in long of the sister I shared the womb with.

"You just wait and watch"
last words of my sister ring aloud as blood starts drumming through my ears. The back of my head thuds and heart throbs. If Veer had not enveloped me with his arms, I would have...collapsed.

Krish's POV

I watch the crowd pouring in exponentially; gaping at the dead body of Zara in horror with handkerchiefs attached to their noses as if Zara were just a trash.

My lips start to quiver as my eyes well up. A lone tear escapes the corner of my left eye as I stare at her pale yet beautiful face. Never again in my life would anyone be able to see her intoxicating brownish red eyes. Never in my life did I imagine that ..ughhh.

I stride closer to Adya and Parth. Adya adjusts herself and pulls herself back from Parth's shirt. I lean closer to whisper to her "Did you see the Officer in Charge of Police?"

Adya looks confused and then shakes her head. Parth exchanges confused glances. I point to a man standing there in a white formal shirt and blue denims with neatly back brushed hair and thin framed spectacles. Ajay Verma. He is accompanied by constables in uniform.

"How do you know he is the one?"Parth asks "I mean he is in civil dress"

"He was a classmate of my brother moreover I was there when Mr. Wilson was arrested so.. "I turn to Adya "Its not a missing case merely its a murder case now so tell the police everything you know". Adya looks hesitant and turns to Parth. Parth nods "I think he is right we should tell the police".

Adya noddingly watches the body being stretched to the ambulance. She gulps the lump in her throat forwarding baby steps towards Ajay.

"Excuse me officer there is something..." She and Parth walk up to him. I purposely stay back. I know seeing me would enable his taunting mood.

"Whatever it is come to the police station and speak, we need to record the statements" He says and follows his co-workers.

Zaira's POV

The lady inspector has grabbed a fistful of my hair when I denied that I would not visit the police station. I had been shouting and screaming and these inhumane people. Can they not even allow me to grief in private.

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