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Zaira's POV

"She actually told me that I am not allowed to meet you anymore  I mean who dose she think she is?" I said stressing the word allowed.

"She is your sister just listen to her for a few days and then she will kind of let it go, It's not like she is going to stop us from meeting at the collage right" Veer said.

I was sitting in my room after a huge fight with my sister and talking to Veer on the phone was the only thing that helped me keep my sanity in this crazy horror show that my life has become. 

"You don't understand Veer my sister keeps a watch on me 24/7 she can keep us apart for life if she wants to forget meeting at collage she will probably find out I called you tonight by tomorrow morning and take away my phone or something" 

The breeze made my hair flow as I was sitting near the window, I hugged myself to keep me warm, I so wish Veer was here to give me hug I missed him a  lot, I really needed someone now.

"Don't worry we will figure something out, not one can keep me away from you anyways" 

"Can you believe she thinks I will actually hurt Zara, seriously can you believe it I didn't even eat dinner because of her and now I am really hungry........"

"Open your handbag"


"Just do as I say"

I reached for my handbag and after searching it I found a small box of chocolates inside it.

"Chocolates? When did you keep it in here?" I asked with a smile.

"When you were busy eating half of it"

"Veer........" I began saying when I suddenly saw my sister walking outside now where the hell is she going in the middle of the night? I decided to follow her. "Veer I will call you back" I said as I cut the call and rushed outside. I slowly walked behind her only to find her with a guy which is really strange because my sister didn't even have so much as a fling as far as I know.

"Kabir what the hell is wrong with you, how dare you come back here after what you did?" Zakira asked.

Now who the hell is this guy why does he look a bit familiar ? 

"What is wrong with me?  What is wrong with you? The way you behaved at the police station today was just crazy" 

"What were you even doing there and why do you care how I behave?"

I do remember seeing him at the police station but who is he?

"You have changed Zakira"

"And only you know why"

 My sister said in a serious tone. This was so unlike her she seemed to melt when she was around him. Her crazy bitchy persona disappeared in a second as soon as she met him.

"Don't you ever come back here" My sister said and walked away, I hid behind a tree so that she couldn't see me. Who the hell is this guy? I really have to find that out really soon.

Emma's POV

I wake up a jolt as a loud deafening noise interrupts my cherished sleep. Of course I know the sound. I just wish it is not something ominous this time.

I sigh pushing off my duvet and stretch my lazy limbs. Climbing down my comfy bed, I tie my hair in a hand bun as I take slow steady steps to the patio. And so my guess is right.

"And so Princess Aurora is awake from her deep slumber, huh?" Eliot taunts me. Her hands clutched the gun tightly. She was playing some shit aim game.

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