Chapter 2- match

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Taurus' POV
"Where are you having your next match Taur?" Libra asked me as we ate lunch.
"Next Thursday. In Italy," I answered.
"Ooh coolio I can actually go see it!" Sag grinned.
"No parliamentary meetings that day then Sagi?" Aqua asked.
He shook his head. "I can come too," Scorpio said.
"Yay! Who can't come?" I asked.
"Cancer," Mini said. "I can't either, I have a meeting with a film producer," she added.
"I'm looking into a case next week," Capricorn gave me an apologetic look.
"I have classes to teach," Virgo said.
"Well me, Gem and Aqua can," Libra grinned.
"Aries and Pisces will still be on their honeymoon," Gem said.
"I have a practice lap that day. Sorry Taur," Leo grimaced.

A week later because I'm lazy

AAAH!" I put the phone arms distance away from my ear.
"Well done Mini I'm proud of you,"
"Did you win?" She calmed down a bit.
"Yeah we did," I grinned.
"Score the winning basket?"
"You know it,"
"Ha! Knew you could do it! I'm going to see if I can deafen Cancer now. I need to pick her up. Cya!" She hung up.
I exited the changing room and saw the others waiting for me.
Libra and Gem were both on the phone and Aquarius had her camera out. Sagittarius and Scorpio were stood next to them. "Well done! That was a great game!" Sag hugged me when I went over to them.
"Thanks Sag. I heard you cheering," I patted his back.
"Good game," Scorpio nodded to me. He put his fist out and I fist bumped him.
"Yeah well done!" Aqua hugged me.
"Okay thank you bye," Gem hung up the phone and turned to me. "Great game Taur! Awesome dunking or whatever it's called," she grinned.
"Who was on the phone?" I asked.
"Oh Mini. She wants me to help her with her new film! Oh I'm so excited! I'm going to LA with her tomorrow! Eek!" She grinned. I laughed and we did our weird handshake thing that we do.
"Yes great game," Libra turned her phone off. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh my agent got me an interview tomorrow, I'm flying out to LA with the twins," she explained.
"Okay we need to get home fast and celebrate! Let's goo! Flight leaves in four hours!" Sagittarius declared.

I hate flying. Hate it hate it hate it.
I'm also like terrified of heights which does not help.
"Hey are you okay Taur?" I was sat next to Sag for the entire flight.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I retorted, trying to stop my body from shaking.
"Sag. He's scared of heights," Gem whispered from the seats in front of us. I had sat next to her on the flight over.
"Ah. It's okay Taur. I'll shut the curtain thingy and you put on your headphones," he patted my shoulder.
I felt heat dusting up my cheeks at his touch.

"LAND!" I shouted and literally dived to kiss the floor when we got outside the airport. Aeroplanes, I will not miss you.
"Ew Taur," Libra scrunched up her nose.
"Get up. People are staring," Aquarius whispered.
"Oh I'm up," I slowly got up.

"GUYS! HEY!" Aries and Pisces were home when we entered the domain.
Their bags were by the door so it was obvious they had just gotten home themselves.
"Hey you two. Enjoy the honeymoon?" Scorpio asked.
"Oh it was awesome! We saw Big Ben and the bridge and Buckingham Palace and-,"
"Pisce, breathe," Aries advised. She nodded.
"So where are the others?" Gem asked.
"Mini is on her way back, she's picking up Cap also by the way, Virgo has to sit for a detention, Cancer has an overnight shift and Leo is on his way back," Aquarius answered.

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