Chapter 14- couldn't sleep

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Yeah sorry I deleted 'kidnapped' because I decided It didn't go with the story line.
Also sorry for the long wait- I'm trying to start a new zodiac story at the moment which hopefully will be out soon.

Aries' POV
I gazed at the lit match. It was so pretty, dancing at the edge of the small stick. Suddenly, I opened my eyes- I must've dozed off while staring at the match.
But I wasn't holding the match anymore.
It was on the floor, burning holes in everything in it's path.
"MUMMY! DADDY! LYRA!" I screamed.
"Aries!" My mother ran into the room, eyes wide.
"Come here my sweet," she said.
I jumped to my feet and jumped through the flames, into my mother's arms.
"Go outside. I'll find your sister," she said, pushing me outside.
"Please Aries. I don't know where your father is, or Lyra. Please get out so I know you're safe. I love you," she kissed my forehead.
"GO!" She shouted.
I ran outside where I found my father lying unconscious on the ground, the whole left side of his face was burnt.
Then, the house exploded.
I sat up, panting.
Pisce was still asleep next to me, I slowly slipped out of her arms and stood up.

The radio was playing when I got downstairs, I went into the kitchen to find Cancer reading a book and Leo... knitting.
I cleared my throat and wiped my red eyes. "Couldn't sleep?" Cancer asked softly.
I shook my head. "Nightmare," I muttered. "You?"
"V was sleep talking again," Leo rubbed his eyes.
"The baby was kicking," Cancer said.
"Can I feel?" Leo perked up.
She nodded.

"Morning guys. Wait," Capricorn stared at us all.
Cancer was sleeping on the table, and me and Leo were knitting a hat for cancer's baby.
"Oh morning cap," I waved.
"Why are you guys down here?" He asked, stretching.
"Couldn't sleep," me and Leo answered in unison.
"Okay... let me get a blanket for Can," he exited the room briefly and returned with a blanket from the sofa.
"I won't see you till late tonight. Me and mini have a date tonight and I have a full schedule today," he informed us.
"Okay. We'll tell the others. Bye," Leo waved and we went back to knitting the hat.

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