Why Are We Here??

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Miguel POV~(Dwayne Tyrek)

I pulled up to the gates of my apartment complex and put in the code. Yeah I live alone. My parents think I'm too old to be staying with them so that rented me an apartment, well they're more like gated condos because they're very expensive and they are in the suburbs. I park my car and started to shake Deserai a little. She woke up rubbing her eyes and stretching signaling that she's waking up.

"Come on lil ma", I said starting to exit the car but she stopped me.

"Wait. Why are we here",she asked cautiously and confused of where she is. I sat back in the car and looked at her hoping she'd calm down a little.

"We're at my place", I said getting out and heading up stairs. She quickly got out and followed behind me.

"Why did you bring me here?".

"Because I wanted to chill with you alone lil ma", we made it up the stairs and I unlocked the door to my condo. I turned to let Deserai walk in first but she just stood there. Wtf?

"Why you just standing there", I questioned her

"I don't know you like that to be coming in your home alone with you", I looked at her like she was stupid

"Mane, shut that shit up. You accepted to get in the damn car with me alone and in the middle of the night. Now you worried about being alone in my house. The fuck wrong with you? Get in the house please", I didn't mean to be all hostile but damn now you wanna worry about your safety? She looked shook about how I just talked to her but she did as told.

"Look, I didn't mean to be rude or nothing, it's just what you said was so stupid and uncalled for"

"No it's okay. I deserved that. I sounded like one these dumb broads outchea on the streets", I chuckled a little then turned to check and make sure I locked my doors. A niggah ain trynna get robbed nor killed tonight.

"Soooooo, what are we going to do", she asked looking around my condo. I grabbed her hand and started walkinf around my house.

"Right now I'm going to give you a tour of my home"


Deserai POV~(Allison McGevna)
He took me down the hall and showed me the guest rooms and this one room that a little girl could only dream of. The only thing that flew through my mind is that he has a daughter.

"You have a daughter", I asked not trying to sound disappointed nor shocked, but curious.

"Yeah. Well something like that but she's my niece but I treat as if she's mine cause her dad is no longer around", he said in a sad tone

"What happen"

"He's my older brother and he passed away a month after she was born"

"Wow I'm sorry to hear that"

"Yeah but it's whatever. We all gotta die one day.......", He said looking off,"Come on. I gotta finish giving you a tour" I nodded my head continue to follow him near the back of the condo. I was shocked to see that it a had an upstairs which is very rare. The steps were covered with white carpet along with a red carpet on top going up the middle. As we made it to the top the hallway floor was covered in the same pattern as the staircase. There was an big aquarium in the wall with a long black table under it. Near it was a full bathroom. In the middle of the hall on the far back hall was a red door with a gold fancy handle which I'm guessing is the master bedroom. I was just in Aw of this condo.

"You like it I see and I haven't even showed you my room yet"

"I am in love with your hallway"

"I've notice but thanks", he led me to his bedroom which as huge. He had a 72" plasma flat screen tv that comes out the wall, a California King size bed, a huge mirror on the ceiling, a master bathroom that had a two sink counter with a huge mirror, a body mirror located on the closet door, a jacuzzi tub and next to it is a pure see through glass shower with a sir located in it.

"Oh my fucking gosh!!! Your room is in-fucking-credible", I said with so much excitement jumping around like a five year old.

"Lol, thank you ma but I haven't showed you my kitchen yet so calm down", I did as told and followed him to the kitchen. This muthafucker got snacks in almost all his cabinets. His refrigerator was filled with milk, energy drinks, water, sodas, yogurt, fruit, and sandwich fixings. The freezer had different types of Icecream vegetables and meat. I was in heaven.

"OMG I'm in heaven. Why do you shop like this"

"Because I have a niece remember"

"Oh yeah. Well can we share some snacks and watch a movie on Netflix", I questioned making a puppy dog face hoping he'd say yes.

"Of course. Go up stairs and find a movie and I'll bring up the snacks",i nodded and made my way up to the room. I decided that I wanted to watch the Peeples. I've heard its a good movie I just never seen it before. As the movies started I got comfortable and Miguel came in with loads of snacks.

"Yasssss thank you sooo much I been starving", I said as he say the chocolate chip cookies and cookies cream Icecream in between us.

"Aha you got ice cream on your face already"


"Yeah, lemme get it for you", he said as he took a napkin and wiped it off. We stared into each other's eyes for a while then soon leaned in. He kissed me and that's when I went into shock. Ugh I hate when I do that but I soon kissed back but he pulled away


"No it's okay", he smiled at me

"I think this is a beginning to a new friendship", wtf he mean friendship

"Oh... yeah", I said disappointed,"What time is it" I asked

"2:13. Why"

"I need to be getting home. We still school in the morning"

"Your right. Lemme put these things up then we can go"


I Know It Might Be Boring Sorry
I Was Rushing
Do Think Deserai Wants A Friendship With Miguel

No Proof read

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