Chapter 1

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Leo's pov
         Leo saw that it was almost time for lunch so he decided he would head there early so he wouldn't have to see his two best friends. Especially Piper when he meet her he felt so happy. That was until they became friends with Jason. He and Jason are best friends but when Jason and Piper started dating he felt crushed. Piper looks so happy when she's with Jason and leo didnt want to ruin their relationship. He was so deep in thought he didnt realize he made it to the pavilion.

           He sat down and started eating. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. When he turned around he saw Piper and Jason looking at him.

       "Hey guys" Leo said

       "Hey Leo" Piper said and smiled

       Jason gave a nod and put his arm around piper. I wish that was my arm around her Leo thought.

         "So leo what are you up to" Jason said

         "I'm just eating lunch" Leo said "and heading back to the bunker what are you guys doing"

           "Actually we wanted to know if your busy" Piper said" because we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to Camp Jupiter"

            Leo was considering it but he didn't want to feel like a third wheel especially since he was in love with one of them. He didn't realize he was deep in thought until he saw Jason snapping his fingers in front of Leo's face. When leo look up he saw piper frown.

            "Are you ok leo?" Piper asked worried

             "I'm fine I was just thinking" Leo lied "and yea I would like to come with you to Camp Jupiter. When are we going?"

              "In about two hours and we are going to go start packing so bye" Jason said

               Just as they started walking off leo yelled "Wait!" They turned around and looked at him confused.

             Leo was going to back out then decided against it and was quickly trying to figure out what to say.

            "How long are we going to be there for" Leo said thankful for a quick solution.

             "For two days" Piper responded

            Leo resisted the urge to frown. I have to watch you guys be all lovey dovey for two days. Leo wanted to say.

            Instead leo said "Alright I'll meet you guys at the pine tree"

           Then he went to the hephaestus cabin and started packing for Camp Jupiter. Nyssa his half sister came in and asked "What are you doing leo?"

           "I'm packing" Leo said "because Piper, Jason and I are heading over to Camp Jupiter" At the same time he finished explaining he finished packing.

           "Are you sure you will be able to handle it?" Nyssa asked

           Leo was confused "What are you talking about?" Leo asked looking up.

        "Leo everybody knows your in love with piper" Nyssa explained "except for piper herself and Jason but I think Jason might know I have no clue. But I do know that I don't have to be a child of Aphrodite to know this" Nyssa smiled

           "Well it is hard some times" Leo said "but I'll get over it"

           Leo glanced at the clock and realized its almost time to go and grabbed his bags and got up. Leo walked over to Nyssa and gave her a hug. When they pulled away Nyssa said "Well have fun and be careful, bye"

         "Bye Nyssa" Leo said as he grabbed his bags and walked out the door.

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