Chapter 3

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Leo's pov
          When we made it to the apartment we dropped our bags off and started unpacking. After they finished they walked to a nearby cafe. When they sat down a waitress came over and asked what they want.

           When we got our drinks we strarted a conversation. "So when are we going to check out the college?" Leo asked looking up at them.

          "Well maybe in a bit but if it's ok I want to talk to piper real quick then we can head out" Jason say as he grabs Piper's hand and walks out of the cafe and Leo just sat there looking out the window.

Piper's pov
        "So what do you want to talk about?" Piper asks as they walk over to a spot where they can't be heard.

        "I think we should break up" Jason blurted out and Piper just stared at him with a blank face.

       She was happy because she has a shot at getting together with Leo. At the same time shes confused as to why.

       "Why?" Was the only thing she could think to ask.

      "Because I like Reyna. I hope your not mad because I like you but only as a friend" Jason said and looked away.

      "Jason its ok" Piper said as she made him look at her "I only see you as a friend as well and I like someone else" She smiled knowing that they both feel the same way.

       "Yea I know who you like" Jason said smirking "you like Leo" which made Piper blush and look away to hide the blush.

        "I do like him but he probably doesn't like me back" Piper said frowning. I wish I knew if he liked me or not Piper thought.

        "I have a strong feeling he does like you as well" Jason said "why don't you ask him?" Jason looked at me waiting for an answer.

         "I dont know" Piper answered "because he may not like me back and make a complete fool of myself and ruin our friendship" Piper suddenly got interested in the floor.

        "Just give a shot please" Jason said looking at her.

         "Alright" Piper looked up at Jason "I'll give it a shot" she smiled

          "Well lets go back inside" Jason started walking away but Piper stopped him. He gave her a confused look. He stopped walk and looked at her.

        "If I'm giving Leo a shot" Piper started "you have to give Reyna a shot" Piper smirked. Jason just smiled and said "Alright, alright I'll go ask her out" Jason turned toward the direction of Reynas office. "Bye pipes" Jason waved and walked away.

        She started to walk back to the cafe when she saw Leo walk out. Piper ran up to Leo.

        "Hey Leo! Wait up!" Leo stopped and turned towards her. Piper caught up to him and they started walking toward the apartment.

          "So what did Jason want?" Leo asked when they started walking.

          "Oh well he wanted to break up and before you ask yes I'm ok it was a mutual agreement" Piper smiled at Leo.

         "So do you have another guy in mind or what" Leo ask and looked at Piper.

         She nodded and walkes in front of Leo stopping him. She look up at him and smiled.

        He looked confused then Piper grabbed his shoulders and smashed her lips into his. It stayed like this and he didnt kiss back so Piper pulled away and and looked down sad and was going to walk away until.

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