Chapter 2

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Piper's pov
          After piper finished packing she headed up the hill and found Leo by the pine tree. She walk up behind him and he didnt notice.

           "Hey Leo" Piper said with a smile. She was happy that Jason didnt arrive yet because she could use this little time to spend with Leo. Nobody knew this but she had a liked Leo as more than a friend. She liked Jason before but then she saw him only as a friend. She was hoping that her feelings for Leo would go away but they just grew bigger. She didnt want to break up with Jason and ruin her friendship with him. She was also afraid Leo didn't feel the same way. She forgot that she greeted Leo and leo was shaking her shoulders calling her name.

             "-er, piper, pipe-" Leo was cut off by piper

           "What?" Piper asked

           "Well you weren't responding" Leo said "you ok?" Leo smiled and she felt her heart melt.

          "I'm f-fine I was just thinking" Piper asked and smiled back

          "Ok just wanted to make sure" Leo said

             Just as I was about to ask him what he's been up to Leo said "Look Jason's here. Hey Jason" Leo frowned a little but it went away as fast as it came and waved at Jason.

          Piper turned around and saw Jason walking toward them and wave. "Hey guys" Jason walked up put his arm around her and kissed her cheek.
"Alright lets go" and we walked down to the car and got in.

               It was silent for most of the ride until Leo broke the silence.

            "So what are you guys going to do when we get there?" Leo asked

          "Well I was thinking we could look at the college and see if we could go there for school" Jason said "if thats alright with you guys?" he asked a bit nervous.

          "I'm in" Piper said "how about you Leo we could all go to college together" Piper looked at Leo waiting to an answer.

          Leo look at us and smiled "Of course I will check it out with you guys it will be fun"

          We finally arrived and grabbed our bags. When we walked into Camp Jupiter we were greeted by Reyna, Frank, and Hazel.

            "Hey guys" Reyna said then turned to look at Jason "how was the drive here?"

             "Hey Reyna" Jason said grinning "it was nice"

             "Hey" Frank said "how are you guys" Frank put his arm around Hazels waist.

              "We are good we just decided to visit for a bit" Leo responded

              "How are things back at camp? How's nico?" Hazel asked

             Piper bit back a laugh at hazel because she always seems worried. Piper just smiled and replied with "Everybody's good and nico is fine"

           Hazel smiled and said "Thats good" She leaned into Frank and sighed a bit.

          Reyna then said "Well guys you go do what you came to do I will be in my office if needed" She smiled then nodded and walked off.

        "Well we have to go so enjoy yourselves and we'll see you later" Frank waved and walked off with Hazel.

          "So where to first dude?" Leo asked after they left.

         "Well first we are going to our apartment to drop our stuff off and then take a tour of the place" Jason said and started walking off.

          "Lets get going Leo" Piper said and grabbed his wrist when she saw he was just standing there and she was happy when he didn't pull away.

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