Chapter 4

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Leo's pov
         When Piper kissed him he was so shocked he didnt know what to do. The girl he loved kissed him. When she pulled away and was about to walk away he cupped her face and kisses she didnt respond for a few seconds and then she kissed back. Their lips moved in sync and soon they had to pull away for oxygen.

       When they pulled away they were grinning like idiots.

        Finally Piper broke the silence "you dont know how long I've wanted to do that" Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

        Leo put his arms around her small waist and said "Piper will you be my girlfriend?" And hoped she said yes.

       "Yes!" She hugged Leo tighter and Leo let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding and smiled even wider. When they released from their hug they kissed again.

        "What about Jason does he have some one on his mind" Leo smirked.

       "Yea its Reyna and he went to ask her out" Piper smiled.

      "Well I'm tired so let head inside" Leo started walking inside the apartment holding Piper's hand.

        When they got inside they changed into some new clothes and headed for bed when Leo got into bed Piper got in next to him and snuggled up to him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.

Jason's pov
           As Jason walked over to Reynas office he got more nervous. He made it there and knocked on the door. When she opened the door Jason got super nervous.

        "Reynawillyougooutwithme?" Jason said super quickly.

        "Hold up slow down what did you say" Reyna said holding up a hand.

        Jason took a deep breath and started again "Will you go out with me like on a date?" Jason said a bit confident.

         "Aren't you dating Piper?" Reyna asked confused.

          "No not any more because we liked different people"Jason said looking at Reyna.

       "Oh well I guess if its ok then yea when?" Reyna said a bit excited and smiled. Jason smiled back and said "tomorrow for lunch" Jason hugged Reyna.

       "Alright then see you tomorrow" Reyna kissed his cheek and walked back inside. Jason decided to get some rest and walked to their temporary apartment. When he got there he looked to see if Leo and Piper were here. He smiled when he saw Piper and Leo cuddled up in bed asleep.

      He shut their door quietly and walk to his room. He got changed and layed down on his bed and fell asleep thinking of Reyna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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