Chapter 3

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For the triplets and Louis the days were spent playing and spending every second together. It was Louis' first birthday this weekend and Harry, Edward and Marcel were very excited. They all had made him cards and bought new toys. Louis was slowly growing up and he had even said his first word.

It was a few months after the triplets' birthday and Louis was currently with Edward. Edward had Louis in his lap and they were watching cartoons. Out of nowhere Louis started babbling and Edward paused the television and turned Louis around in his lap.

Louis ceased his 'talking' and gazed into Edward's eyes, smiling big and touched Ed's cheek.

"E-edy," Louis said, looking proud. Edward gasped and tears pooled in his eyes as he pulled Louis into a tight hug, kissing everywhere he could reach. His precious Lou had said his first word, and it was his name.

Harry and Marcel had been very jealous that Louis said Edward's name and were still waiting for their name to come out of Louis'mouth.

The triplets were getting ready for Louis' birthday party. They went to his house an hour before the actual party and while Louis napped, Harry, Edward and Marcel helped Jay to set up.

Marcel was then sent to wake Louis up and bring him downstairs which he did happily.

He slipped into Louis' room and carefully picked him up, cooing and crooning until Louis fluttered his eyes open and immediately smiled upon seeing one of the triplets.

Marcel carried him down the stairs and into the living room, placing him on the floor in front of his trains and barbies.

Louis played with his toys, while the alphas settled onto the sofa, keeping an eye on the Omega.

Louis' birthday party was a huge success. He was happy all the time, preening under the attention from all the guests, settled into one of the brother's arms.

Once a guest had tried to hold Louis in her own arms, but Louis had started whining loudly, and clinging onto Harry with his chubby arms wrapped around his neck. Harry had growled at the women, causing her to immediately back down, and for Louis to calm down, mouthing at Harry's neck. After that no one had tried to take Louis away from the alphas or his mother.

When Louis had been placed in his high chair in front of the cake, he had looked at the burning candle curiously. He immediately stuck out his hand to touch and had been startled by everyone shouting no, bursting into tears. Jay had been able to calm Louis down quickly, while the triplets watched from their parents' side, observing if Louis was being taken care of.

After the candle had been blown and removed, Louis had smacked his hand onto the cake making it fly in all directions. He had also squished some cake in his hand and tried to feed it to the alphas and his parents, getting cake all over their faces.

When the triplets showed Louis their gifts, he had excitedly jumped up and down, and what he did next surprised everyone.

He pointed to the triplets and said,"E-ddie, H-hawwy, M-marcie." The said alphas had all burst into tears, along with their parents, and Louis had been tightly embraced by the brothers , squealing and fisting their t-shirts.

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