Chapter 21

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His dad didn't talk to him for two weeks. Though his mother and his alphas tried everything to distract him, his mind stayed put on his father's harsh look when he saw Louis in the skirt.

Although Louis still wore his feminine clothes (which he had also started to wear at his house and at the triplets' house), he could not help but think about how his own dad refused to talk to him.

He was working on his maths homework, when he heard somebody knock at his door.

"Come in!" Louis called, thinking it was his mates.

What he did not expect was to see his dad standing in room, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Hey Lou, can I talk to you?"

"Um-of course, dad. Sit down." Louis said, gesturing towards his bed.

"Listen, I-I'm sorry about before kid. It just caught me off guard, and just know that I love you very, very much." His dad said, looking at Louis with tears swimming in his eyes.

Louis looked at his father in surprise and tightly hugged him, crying into his neck.

"You looked really pretty in your outfit honey, don't worry about an old hag's opinion, you're perfect."

Louis laughed through his tears and joked," Hey now! You're only a thousand years old, no need to call yourself an old hag."

His dad chuckled and lightly kissed Louis' forehead, slowly standing up and saying,"Alright, I'm gonna go help your mom with dinner. Study hard kiddo."

"Bye dad," Louis said, smiling at his dad's retrieving figure.

As soon as Mark was out of sight, Louis scrambled to pull his phone out and call one of the triplets'. He knew that Edward would be at the gym and Harry at his tutor's so he called Marcel, who was probably in his room.

Marcel picked up on the second ring and said," Hey baby, what's up?"

"Hi Marcie, something just happened!" Louis squealed into the phone, and could picture the fond grin on Marcel's face.

"What bub?"

"Dad told me he loved me!!"

"Oh baby, that's awesome! We told you that your dad still loves you. You were worrying over nothing." Marcel said.

"Yeah, can you come here alpha? Haven't seen you since this afternoon."

"Of course darling, I'll be right there."

Louis and Marcel watched movies until it was dinnertime, already knowing that the other alphas would be home late. They ate a delicious meal prepared by Jay with her and Mark.

Louis convinced Marcel to sleep over by snogging him and giving him his signature puppy dog eyes. When Harry and Edward finally came home, they went over to Louis' room to do their signature checklist, and were not that surprised to see Marcel in bed with him. They kissed both, Louis and Marcel's, forehead and laid down with them, spooning the two boys.

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