Chapter 10

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The alpha triplets had to go to Anne's mother's holiday home when they started their rut. It was on the outskirts of the city, about two or three hours drive, and was surrounded by trees and vegetation all around. They had been driven to the house on Sunday evening and Anne was staying with the boys to provide them food and water.

Louis had been told that they were going to meet some relatives and wouldn't be back until next week. He had whined and pouted all Sunday, not wanting the brothers to go.

The triplets had purposely exhausted him by watching television so that he would fall asleep and they could leave. Before going, they had carried their precious Lou to his room, tucking him under the baby blue covers and scenting him all over, even going as far as to scent his room. They didn't want to leave him but they knew they had to. They had pressed a million kisses on Louis' face, making sure the window in the room was locked, the air conditioning was on and there was a water bottle on his nightstand.

They were dragged out by an amused Jay," Boys he will be okay, I'll take care of him. Go, your mom and dad are waiting."

They had reluctantly left the house and got into the car, already wishing to be back with Louis.


Their rut started on Monday morning and the next five days were spent jerking off and eating the food that their mother occasionally brought up. They all were missing their mates and were yearning for their touch.

Louis was feeling as much pain as the triplets were, eliminating the feeling of having to come every few minutes. He missed the alphas and his heart ached for them. By the third day, his bubbly persona had diminished and he had become very closed off. He did not answer in class, was locked up in his room after school and only socialized if he had to. By the fourth day Jay excused Louis from school as he looked in no condition to be going any where.

By the time the triplets arrived next Monday, Louis was worse than ever. He rarely left his bed and only read on his bed, all day long. Jay and Mark were very concerned for his well being.

When the triplets entered the Tomlinson household, they were surprised to not find Louis in the kitchen, running around Jay and excitedly rambling about his day. Instead they were met by a very stressed Jay who looked visibly distressed.

"Jay! What's wrong? Where's Louis?" Edward inquired.

Jay sighed and tears formed in her eyes," He has not come out of his room in four days and I don't know what to do."

The triplets were immediately concerned and excused themselves to Louis' room after consoling Jay and reassuring her that they will find what's concerning Louis.

When they entered the room, all the lights were switched off and the curtains were drawn and Louis was sprawled across the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Boo?" Marcel asked, his voice soft and gentle.

Louis' head immediately shot up and his eyes filled with tears as he flung himself onto the closest triplet which happened to be Harry. He buried his head into Harry's neck and wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, looking at the other brothers over Harry's shoulder and beckoning them closer by his eyes. Marcel and Edward moved closer to Louis and carded their hands through his hair and rubbing his back, releasing calming pheromones.

When Louis calmed down, they all sat on the bed and Louis gave Edward and Marcel their own hugs.

"Baby, your mom told us that you haven't left your room in very long. And you haven't even gone to school. What's wrong?" Harry asked gently, wanting Louis to open up to them.

"Just- missed you guys." Louis whispered.

"Aww babe, but look, we came back." Edward crooned and brought Louis to his lap, who snuggled into his chest." We will always come back."

Jay and Mark observed as Louis returned to his bouncy self in a few hours in the company of the triplets and they were even more convinced than ever that they were true mates and possibly soulmates.

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