Chapter 35

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Dear Louis,

Eleven days. Do you remember the song that I used to sing to you? The one when you were a baby. I still remember it.

Your big blue eyes
And sweet rosy smile
Remind me I'm blessed
With a beautiful mate.

You blink those eyes
And flash us a grin
And your eyes have stolen
Our hearts once again.

It used to calm you down so quick. I sang that song to you today, hoping that you would wake up and demand me to sing it again, like you used to. My love, how much more are you going to make us suffer. I miss you. I love you.

Harry and Marcel have gotten better, they don't cry constantly now. Last night we all talked about our old memories with you, that really cheered us up.

Do you remember the time you wanted us to have a sleepover in a fort? We all took a whole day arranging the pillows and blankets and taking help from Mark to secure one blanket on the fan above. And it all came down when Harry tripped over his feet and fell on it. You were so angry and refused to talk to him for a whole day. I remember the next day when you came to our house crying and jumped straight onto Harry and did not move away from him for a couple of hours.

You are so cute.

Come back to us baby.

Your Edward

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