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As the days passed by and time rolled on four of them developed a bond which pulled them closer. Their day started with the  bed coffee heartily served by Shivaay to all of them followed by Anika's yoga lessons, Aarna's career counselling and Ishaan's Investment lectures but what remained constant was infamous banter of Shivika.

Shivaay's little gestures of care , Anika's blush, their frequent whispering nothing went unnoticed by Aarna and Ishaan. Once they both found Shivika sleeping on each other watching a movie. Aarna thought they were very cute but the highly observant Ishaan had different thoughts, once he even caught them in a compromising position but he remained silent and chose not to comment or question. They even mingled within the society of Clesta, they were even recognized and greeted at times. 

The major incident that happened within these days were they found out that their Broker and his Assistant were fraudsters who fled the state borders after receiving the cash but what remained unknown was the actual owner of the house , what was more surprising was none in the apartment knew it or chose not to talk about it . Four of them were all set with their next mission but were waiting for the right moment to execute it .

Today was their D-Day. After following AIR for days they were aware of his entire schedule and waited for the right moment to proceed at last their wait was over when they saw AIR entering the park next to the apartment early morning , Anika and Aarna dressed in their gym suit occupied the place on the grass where very few people were exercising , the motive was simple "to be noticed". Shivaay and Ishaan jogged around the park.

The park had various people walking few chattering forming groups and the ladies having their morning chats but Anika and Aarna were easily noticeable all thanks to their place and outfit . During their entire workout they sensed various stares on them including the one whose they wanted, after completing the workout they chose to relax on a bench nearby that's when Ishaan and Shivaay pretended to leave waving a loud bye to be heard by all passerby.

On seeing the boys exiting AIR approached them initiating a normal conversation which eventually led him to offer them a lunch party to welcome them aboard which the girls pretended to refuse but on his insistence agreed. They silently rejoiced on their success and reached back the apartment. As the sun was enjoying his peak both the girls were all dressed up for the lunch while the boys walked out of the apartment for their respective jobs.

Soon both the girls reached AIR's house which was on the topmost floor with a little gift , when Aarna raised her hand to knock to their surprise they found the key left in the door , a slight push and the door opened to reveal complete darkness nevertheless they entered the house calling him out. 

Aarna noticed the switchboard behind the showpiece and tried to touch it but failed so she removed the showpiece from it's place and held it in her hand no sooner did she do that than a loud noise which resembled an alarm started ringing.

The door got locked automatically forcing them to remain there and a gas was released , they called out for help but their voice were not loud enough they realized they were loosing their conscious at a faster pace.  All that they remember before passing out was screaming for Shivaay/Ishaan .



Anika slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light to witness a white ceiling, for a moment she was puzzled by the appearance of her surroundings. She found herself in her clothes in a proper state nothing messed up but she was surrounded by two green clothes which prevented her vision from proceeding further.

She laid back on the bed and tried to recollect how did she end up here but all she remembered was screaming Shivaay .She suddenly shot her eyes open registering all the events that she encountered before fainting , she desperately searched for traces of Aarna. Finding none she tried to get up ,in that state of panic she was unable to voice out all negative thoughts that crossed her mind , gathering all her courage she got up to feel a IV drip attached to her that is when she noticed that she is in the hospital and finally calmed down a little and called out for someone.

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