shσrt chαpter: c's deαth (lol bye)

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On one normal day, I play my morning playlist.

I hum along to the music as I skip along to C's cage.

I open the gate, leaving her to flap wings around.

She soars through the window, landing on a tree branch outside.

When she's about to fly again, a bald eagle comes through, gripping her with it's beak.

"Holy shit, do you even get eagles in Korea-"

I run outside checking if everything's alright.

I see blood spewing out of C's neck, and I get my baseball bat from the side and wave it around, trying to get the eagle away.

The bird eventually flies away, although my relief quickly turns into concern when I realise C stopped moving and is lying lifelessly on the grey concrete fence.

I see her body flop off the fence and land on the grass.

Tears run down my cheeks, and my knees drop down to the ground as I try pick up the body.

I spot Vincent, one of my servants in the distance, and I call him over.

He hurries up to me, thinking I'm hurt or something, but is on the verge of walking back, packing his bags and immigrating to Mexico when he sees what happened.

"I didn't like that bird anyway.." Vincent mutters, although not loud enough for me to hear.

I sigh, sniffling slightly, trying to breathe throughout all the emotional pain.

Vincent rubs my back soothingly, trying to calm me down.

"Ah, right. She can still make it, right?" I say, muttering, trying to breathe properly, "Do you know CPR?"


"No.. that might not work.. I'll get a trained vet! What quality get will I get with all the money I have?"

"A-All the money you have?"

We bring C to a local vet and we I'm get told.

that's she's not gonna make it alive.

Tears run down as if it was the Niagara Falls and I land back on my knees once again.

"You're part on the In family.. aren't you?" the vet says, stuttering slightly, "I'm sorry, but even if we used all our supplies here, the wound is too severe.."

I nod, with still tears in my ears and the servants prepare a funeral for C in our large back garden.

It was a small funeral with only me and a few close servants.

At the end, I walk up to the place where C was buried and I place a white rose on top of it.

I smile, remembering the short yet happy-lived life she led.

The chirping, the carelessly flying, the biting.. all of those were good memories.

Her life shall be forever remembered.


a/n: it was a sad chapter, yet I couldn't help laughing.

the next official chapter will be up tomorrow.

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