ρtj ρt. 4

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back from my hiatusss.

during it, i started an insecure sub-story, about 'x' and hae-seong's older brother.

just wanted to add a little mystery instead of just pure comedy and romance

it's called '[in]decisive' you can see it on my profilee

thanks for 2.5k votess


Class A models leave and we head straight inside the building.

It's a blessing they left, because I don't think i could handle one more second with them without fisting them in the face.

Yet, I wonder what X feels about this.

Anyway, for trainees at our agency, there were three required lessons.

Dance, Vocals and Free Practice.

We spent most of the time in the studio.

Classes A, B and C entered and used the studio in turn.

And they normally cleaned up..

But after finishing practice for the next class, Class A decided to be jackasses again.

"Woah.. gross. This was Class A, right?" Oliver says, still acting pretty bright.

"They destroyed this place on purpose."

"Shall we tidy up first?"

After we finished tidying the mess that the last class made, Lasol and Oliver decided to teach us a few basic dances to ready us up.

"Since most of you are noobs, instead of a dance coach, Lasol and I will teach you." Oliver says, stretching his arms out, "A and B classes are too tough so you can't follow them, you've got to learn the basics here."

"Up. Down. Follow me."

Oliver focuses on Daniel, Duke and I as Lasol helps Joy with more complex moves.

Of course, Daniel and Duke are a bit rusty, but I'm surprisingly good at it.

"Ah. So it really is the first time you've danced. Hae-Seong's pretty good, but you'll have to spend three months learning the basics."

I almost forgot, before my brother decided to be responsible for me, he wanted to be a trainee.

I don't plan to ever be one, but it's nice seeing a glimpse of someone's dream.

Joy and Duke seem to be having quite a lot of fun dancing compared to Daniel.

He'll get it soon.

As I head to the convenience store, I can really understand how much Duke wanted this.

I was really happy for him.

"..So ..we have to ..do it like this!" Duke breathes out as he dances.

"Like this!"

I wonder how it's like to be so passionate about something.

Jiho has to say something, of course.

"Hmf. Anyways, idols have no talent.. they are products.. Real musicians are Indie or Underground. No chance I'd do that. I'm not jealous at all."

One day, I'm gonna kill this man.

"Duke. Isn't your goal to become a rapper?"

"There's a class for that too. To stay there I have to be good at everything. Because if not I'll get fired at evaluation.."

"Sounds brutal."

I slump my head on counter as I sit down.

That's when they all notice me.

"Oh Seong. How long have you been here for?" Daniel 1 asks, shocked.

"Ah, pretty much the whole time, but don't mind me. Carry on."

"Right, so Daniel is learning how to dance? He must look great." Zoey says, blushing a bit.

"Yep, but since Daniel is new too, I'm worried about his evaluation,"

Daniel seems to have a moment of realisation and asks Duke to try.

Outside the store, I see a glance of girl in a red coat.

She's got quite long hair, must be Crystal.

I scoff, turning away from her.

She looked upset though.

After a few more weeks, approximately 2, Daniel picked up the whole dance.

Both Lasol and Oliver are completely surprised, no, flabbergasted.

"How in only two weeks.."

"At first you were clueless.. but you learn quickly!" Lasol says, proud.

"You're a genius!"

Whilst everyone's fawning over Daniel, I come praise Duke.

He appreciates the attention, and rewards me with a happy smile.

It's nice seeing a smile on his face.

The day of the monthly evaluation arrived.

DG came.

Trainees whisper to one another, sneaking glances

"It's DG."

"DG came too:"

"How come? He's not usually at these evaluations."

Aru came too, that annoying rat.

She drags her chair next to DG, curling her locks girlishly.

She only knows how to get herself into trouble.

Class A Boys start first with a group dance, then Girls following.

I don't pay much attention, and I doze out.

The only times that I switch out of my daydream is on Oliver's and Lasol's dance.

They were much, much better than any of those Class A's.

"Oh man.. Oliver is awesome."

"So that's why.. they were the leaders of Class A."


Class A?

That's a shame.

Should have been leaders of fricking Class S+.

"Hmf! They're nothing special. Isn't that right?" Aru says, demonstrating how stupid she is.

Oh, how she ticks me off sometimes.

I swear on my grave, I'll slap her one day.

Joy does a cute dance, not sure what to take from it.

Yet she gets good feedback from the judges.

Duke does an epic rap performance, which I clap to, cheering him on.

The judges have nothing to say.


"Well, the rap isn't bad, but.. still.. we aren't a charity organisation."

"At least he worked hard. Mr. Charity Organiser." I say, snapping back at him.

I gain attention from the room, DG's too.

I give him a small wave before shooing everyone's glances away.

Dept Head scoffs, ignoring my remark.


It's my turn, and I head up.

I do the assigned tasks, the dance that I was told to perform and I pick a random song off my Spotify playlist.

I have a positive reaction from the judges, even the one that I called out.

That's nice, I guess.

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