☆𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5☆

418 17 7

A/N: timeskip oops. sis is bored and needs some action and I feel like it won't happen. also i really hate a part so y'all have fun with that mkay. sorry it took so long to update; kinda hit a writing slump which i was sort of expecting and real life is kicking some ass atm. will try to update as often as I can but no promises lmaoo

Word Count: 1310

Warnings: none

A few days had passed since my first robbery, and it seemed there was to be another one coming up. Micah had informed Dutch of a very profitable riverboat, and the whole camp was in high spirits. It finally appeared as if we were to finally fulfill Dutch's dreams of living in the west, completely untouched by society. Hosea was busy running a con with Arthur. If Hosea was in camp more often, I was sure he'd try to convince Dutch to try something less risky.

However, Hosea was almost always out of camp along with Arthur. The latter was in and out more frequently, but neither of the men were in camp long enough to speak to anyone. Arthur mentioned it was some real estate scam. He'd also told Dutch about it, and the older man insisted that the people he had working on the riverboat job were enough. Arthur then reluctantly agreed and went back to the hotel in town.

However, Dutch was a little apprehensive about letting me come on the job. Since Arthur wasn't around, I had Sean vouch for me. Eventually, Dutch agreed and assigned me on the riverboat with him. Javier, John, Bill, and Micah would also be on the boat. Sean would be in town, helping with cover. Almost everyone would be helping out besides Molly, Arthur, and Hosea. Tilly, Mary-Beth, Pearson, and Grimshaw would be packing up camp. Molly, as usual, would be doing nothing. From what I could tell, Dutch was the only thing keeping most of the gang members from kicking her out. The girls had all told me their less-than-high opinions of the woman. Mary-Beth, at least, didn't completely hate Molly. She only disliked the fact that the Irishwoman spent all of her time primping and none of it helping.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Sean had snuck up on me at the edge of camp.

"Damnit, Sean. I swear if you do that again, I'll remove your favorite part." I took my knife off of the stone I was sharpening it on and pointed it in his face for emphasis.

"Oh, ya know ya love me," Sean smirked. "Adelia, c'mon. Dutch is callin' a meeting and I'd hate for ya to miss out."

Dutch gathered us in the middle of camp to go over the plan. I found myself standing by Javier and Sean as the leader began his speech.

"Now, are we all clear on what we need to do? Adelia, Micah, John, Bill, and Javier will be on the boat with me. Jenny, Davey, Mac, and Sean will provide cover in town if needed, and the rest of you will be stationed outside Blackwater or helping out in camp, whether that be guarding or packing. I imagine we'll be out west in a day or two."

The whole camp looked positively inspired by his spiel. Even though I hadn't been with the gang for long, I was looking forward to traveling with them.

»»————- ☆ -————-««

Dutch sent me, Javier, and Sean ahead to Blackwater to get set up. Javier and I would be at the saloon while Sean was at the general store until it was closer to the river boat's arrival time. As the three of us trotted down the path, the mood was solemn. None of us dared to break the silence, well, until Sean spoke up.

"So do yous think it's gonna work? It seems a little risky to me, I dunno."

"We have to have faith in Dutch," Javier said. "He's the leader of this gang, and he knows what's best for us. We wouldn't be here, riding to Blackwater, if it wasn't the best option. He said there's at least a hundred fifty thousand dollars on the boat that's supposed to go to the bank."

"I mean, he's got a point," I added. "That's a shit ton of money that could put us well on our way to new lives."

"So you're sidin' with this man you've known all of five minutes rather than me, your best friend?" Sean looked absolutely indignant.

"Shut up, you. I wouldn't go that far." I rode up next to him and slapped his horse on its butt, causing the pair to rocket forward. "See ya later, sucker!" I laughed at the look of horror on Sean's face as Ennis sprinted away from Javier and me. "C'mon, Javier, you gotta admit the look on his face was priceless."

"Sure," the man replied, not wanting to get in the middle of the playfight. "I'm sure Sean will go on ahead and do his bit in Blackwater. He'll be fine." It almost sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than me.

»»————- ☆ -————-««

The rest of the ride into town passed quickly. I had spotted Sean in the saloon when we headed in, and the redhead discreetly left the saloon shortly after to go to the general store. I was surprised he left that quickly. It was extremely difficult to get him to stop drinking. It was almost like talking a dog off of a meat wagon.

Javier settled in at the bar, paying for beers for both of us. I downed a quarter of the bottle before turning to the man next to me.

"Hey, Javier, do you have a pocketwatch? I left mine at camp."

"Yeah." He pulled it out of his jacket pocket and checked the time. "We still have half an hour before we need to leave for work."

"Sorry, I just feel the need to obsessively check the time. Just anxious is all."

"I'd offer you more drinks, but I'm afraid we need to be sober for our job."

"C'mon, you know I ain't a lightweight."

"Noope." He looked as if he was seriously considering taking away my beer. "Why did Aiden even consider sending us to the saloon? We should've known you'd lose your own control." Javier pointed an accusing finger at me.

I giggled a little at Javier's casual use of one of Dutch's aliases. "I'll be keeping my beer, thank you." I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to nurse my bottle.

Despite Javier's best intentions, I downed the rest of the bottle and promptly ordered another. It was a while later before the Mexican snatched my second beer. When I gave him a look of reproach, he spoke up.

"It's about time, we'd better be headin' down to work."

"Oh, yeah." I took the bottle back from him and drank the rest while we headed out the doors. I chucked the bottle to the side. I'd brought my Bolt Action and shotgun into the saloon with us to save time later. Albeit a little suspicious, Dutch decided it was for the best that we bring our guns with us and not just our sidearms. I ran a finger over my High Roller Revolver, admiring its intricate engravings.

We arrived at the docks just as the boat docked, exactly as the plan was supposed to go. I spotted Dutch, John, Bill, and Micah making their way onto the boat. Javier and I quickly followed.

The six of us picked our way through the intricate maze of the boat, trying to not look suspicious but also trying to move efficiently. There was a certain sense of urgency hovering in the air around us. The air crackled with it, and I could almost taste the metallic tang in my mouth.

Bill and Micah stood guard outside the vault door while the rest of us went inside to crack the safes. Each one was opened with efficiency, and we quickly piled the take into the bags we brought with. Once we were complete, Dutch ushered us out the door. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until we got to the main deck of the boat.

"Put your goddamn hands up. Now!"

A/N: and there you have chapter 5. hope you enjoyed! yes, i'm saving the action for another day because I wanted to get something out hehe

also sorry some bits are sloppy, i really could care less about that bit rn because I just wanna get to Horseshoe lmao

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